Author Topic: Mission theater: a few more options?  (Read 117 times)

Offline Miska

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Mission theater: a few more options?
« on: September 18, 2002, 05:35:25 PM »
Since the mission theater will likely appeal to the more hardcore grognards in here, would it be possible to have a few more options.  These could either be at the arena level (could be set by CMs) or purely at the individual use level (like the f2 icon options).  For example:

Instruments that behave realistically under g-load and during violent lateral displacements (especially wet compass).  Right now, the fact that the instruments are always dead on really allows people to do things they would never attempt otherwise.

Keep the map, ditch the position marker.  The terrain is good enough and rich enough to fly by visual cues.  In addition, would it be difficult to have radio beacons tuned to a field/facility's number?  With two or three bearings, you could fix your position accurately on the map.

Better radar modeling, with an idea of the strength, bearing and alt of a contact, but no dots on the map.

Slightly more engine management.  Right now, people can keep Mil power the whole time and this significantly affects the viability of historical tactics in the arena.

I suppose what I have in mind, is a "wish list" for grognards, and I see the Mission Theater as the perfect way of introducing some of these things that some of us have been asking for since, oh, before we had VFilm for AW DOS GEnie :)

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Mission theater: a few more options?
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2002, 07:11:35 AM »

Keep the map, ditch the position marker. The terrain is good enough and rich enough to fly by visual cues.

I agree. The gps should go. When opening the map, let it default to "full zoom out, centered".  Since the arena will be mission based, the waypoints will show up on the map.


Better radar modeling, with an idea of the strength, bearing and alt of a contact, but no dots on the map.

The sector bars combined with "range from tower" are good for this.  The base flashing works as well: the range can be set individually for fighters, bombers and gvs.  

The radar update rate can also be tuned.  With a long update rate ( > 1min) even the radar dots could be enabled...?


Slightly more engine management. Right now, people can keep Mil power the whole time and this significantly affects the viability of historical tactics in the arena.

Also the gunnery model could be re-checked, as well as the icon settings. I would prefer short friendly icons, no enemy icons.

CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Mission theater: a few more options?
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2002, 07:21:21 AM »
I've also been trying out the Virtual Eastern Front campaign in IL2. It would be great if something like this would be implemented in the "MT": a mission based online campaign, with each side having a list of missions. Kind of like a 24/7 Tour of Duty event...  Based on the mission successes, the frontline would move.


« Last Edit: December 12, 2002, 07:27:59 AM by LLv34_Camouflage »
CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"

Offline hazed-

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Re: Mission theater: a few more options?
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2002, 08:19:24 AM »
Originally posted by Miska
Since the mission theater will likely appeal to the more hardcore grognards in here, would it be possible to have a few more options.  These could either be at the arena level (could be set by CMs) or purely at the individual use level (like the f2 icon options).  For example:

Instruments that behave realistically under g-load and during violent lateral displacements (especially wet compass).  Right now, the fact that the instruments are always dead on really allows people to do things they would never attempt otherwise.

To be honest i think i barely look at the instruments during fights and only use instruments during climbs for keepig an eye on speed.However i can understand you wanting a few more realistic visual effects.

Originally posted by Miska
Keep the map, ditch the position marker.  The terrain is good enough and rich enough to fly by visual cues.  In addition, would it be difficult to have radio beacons tuned to a field/facility's number?  With two or three bearings, you could fix your position accurately on the map.

Agree with you here except what happens after a long protracted fight? is there ample landmarks for us to recognise a certain area?
Again though i understand what you mean and i would at least like to try this out

Originally posted by Miska
Better radar modeling, with an idea of the strength, bearing and alt of a contact, but no dots on the map.

Agree about no dots but as to a more accurate radar I recently read this in 'full circle' by johnnie johnson (top allied ace)
'Unfortunately the arithmetic of controlling was further complicated  because the radars were not entirely reliable, and enemy formations had often penetrated well over england without being plotted on the table.Accordingly, controllers could not obtain accurate information about the size and composition of enemy forces until these were seen or heard by the observer Corps posts on the coast'
as you can see this doesnt sound like a description of AH radar at all does it? I thik if anything there is too much information on our radar and its far too easy to read it.Also we have none of the jamming or spoofing abilities which were used often to fool enemy radar such as the silver strips dropped like chaff to blind radar or the engenius spoof machine the british invented that made a single bomber show as 7 or more on German radar!

Originally posted by Miska
Slightly more engine management.  Right now, people can keep Mil power the whole time and this significantly affects the viability of historical tactics in the arena.

I suppose what I have in mind, is a "wish list" for grognards, and I see the Mission Theater as the perfect way of introducing some of these things that some of us have been asking for since, oh, before we had VFilm for AW DOS GEnie :)

agreed there is no overrunning of engines in AH and that would have been  big part of the overall war but as HTC said there isnt so much a 'per flight' limit on running engines hard, its more a gradual wearing out of the engines due to overworking them over the engines lifetime.It was probably a rare occourance to overwork the engine until it died in a single sorties use.

I must say i agree that the mission theatre could be the place to introduce some more hardcore stuff but I hope they dont get rid of things like auto climb or auto level etc.That would be too much for me, i like the breather it gives us.

as for what id like to see:

1) Damageable if shot they are broken (with nice smashed graphics :))
2) engine oil when hit sprays the windscreen
3) broken wings (with what would be lots of twisted metal) cause a drag and therefore slow down that aircraft significantly.Im fed up with being outrun by LA7s with half wings myself.
4) Hi G gun jams. pull too many G and fire like a loon and you'll jam your gun.Maybe a time limit and then you manage to unjam them.
5) over heating of guns in prolonged bursts.This will hopefully stop those spray and pray guys who have enough ammo to shoot for 15 minutes :)

nice post

Offline crowbaby

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Mission theater: a few more options?
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2002, 05:04:03 AM »
I agree wholeheartedly with Miska's suggestions.

I still mess about with the terrain editor and i've been trying to figure out some way to clutter the main map and force the players to use a more realistic one. The ability to simply 'turn off' the plane position marker would be fabulous. The resolution of the clipboard map would probably have to be raised though, and facility put in for more of the 'secondary maps, i.e. city, factory, etc. but named for specific places. The radio beacons idea is great, too, if it could be implemented.

Engine management would be a great thing IMHO, making this into more like WWII air combat and less of a pure ACM simulation. It would also mean that Hurris could actually catch Ju88s in BoB scenarios :)

Instruments that behave in a more historically unreliable manner would be a nice addition, if it would be easy to code. I'd like to see guns fail under high Gs as well, and look again at the whole guns overheating debate. Whether they did or not, (almost) no pilot in WWII would have fired a ten second burst from 1000 yards....
Oh, and take away ammo counters, etc. for plane that didn't have them :)

Some of these features would be unique to AH as well, which is always a good thing for Htc.

Offline ccvi

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Re: Re: Mission theater: a few more options?
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2002, 05:51:11 AM »
Originally posted by hazed-
Agree with you here except what happens after a long protracted fight?

After a long protracted flight without doing any navigation you're lost. Doesn't seem to be too wrong.

I must say i agree that the mission theatre could be the place to introduce some more hardcore stuff but I hope they dont get rid of things like auto climb or auto level etc.That would be too much for me, i like the breather it gives us.

Don't worry, disabling auto/speed/angle won't add much of a challange. You couldn't fly on auto for a long time anyway, because you constantly have to make sure you know where you are.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2002, 05:53:13 AM by ccvi »