Author Topic: 1.11  (Read 1058 times)

Offline Drunky

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« on: December 17, 2002, 06:43:57 PM »
I'm not trying to get people's panties in a bunch, but...

I would like to preface this with a to HTC and their efforts to improve AH.  They work hard to make improvements and cater to us.  I appreciate this.

Was I disappointed with 1.11 (first patch included)?  Simply put, yes I was disappointed.

To expound;  I have become a little burnt out on AH and was looking forward to 1.11 in hopes that it would rekindle some of that spark that has been missing.  Kinda like being married and the same 'ole sex becomes a bit stale.  You look for something to spice it up a bit.

What was I happy with in 1.11?  I buttering love the stuka and the 163.  The p-51 looks incredibly IMHO.  I'm looking forward to driving the Tiger also.  The improvements to the netcode and packets are also more than welcomed.

What would I have liked to see?  A few more new planes to learn and get used to.  New maps to explore and learn the niches of.  Yes, I'm aware that there are 2 new maps but frankly most of the old maps are not very good for the numbers that are flying now.

I know that the mission theatre is otw, but personally I'm not expected to be awed by it.  Hopefully I am wrong.  Hopefully it does redefine things.  I just don't see a predefined scripted arena keeping my interest.  I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about it and it's awesome, but I reserve my enthusiasm.

To summarize, I'm a bit burnt out on AH and was looking for specific things that would respark my interest.  1.11 didn't not include these things yet.  This is why I'm disappointed.  I think others share this sentiment also...noteable sach post comes to mind.

Since this is a public forum for AH, I am voicing my opinion.  I would expect others to post their opinions, both for and against, and since AH is customer based this is an acceptable medium for AH to hear customer feelings/thoughts/expectations.

Okay pom-pom that you're panties are in a wad...flame away. :D  I fully expect you to drown out any constructive criticism with your 'defending HTC's honour'.
Drunky | SubGenius
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Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2002, 06:53:12 PM »
Why even make posts like this?

You already know what's going to ensue, is this so you aren't bored at work tommorrow and have something to read?

I know it'll provide me with about 2 1/2 hours or so of time killing at work... but aside from that, it really doesn't accomplish anything.

You are dissatisfied because this update went more to fixing the core of the program and less noticeable features. While previous updates that had a lot of planes, concentrated on a lot of planes and updates to the program were little to none.

So as you can see, there is a pattern here. To get the program to have more features (not planes, tanks, etc) they have to put more time in to that leaving less development time for the planes (FM, integrating them into the engine, etc).. to get more planes, they can't concentrate on the new features as much.

That's how it is, or they could delay this release 3 more months and get a couple more planes in there and the new mission arena.

But then we won't have the new features, edited pizza map, and new planes/vehicle to play around with for the next 3 months.

It's not liking voicing your dissatisfaction on this matter will do anything, except insite a flame war.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2002, 06:56:10 PM by AKS\/\/ulfe »

Offline SOB

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« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2002, 06:54:21 PM »
Hmmm...a well thought out post, presented in a reasonable manner without loads of squeaking and lacking any unreal expectations presented as things that you deserve?  Sorry, this doesn't qualify as a whine.  Try harder next time!  :)

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Drunky

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« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2002, 07:06:14 PM »
Originally posted by AKS\/\/ulfe
It's not liking voicing your dissatisfaction on this matter will do anything, except insite a flame war.

I guess then HTC doesn't listen to anyone who flies the game?  I guess then the F4uc is perked because they thought it was a 'good idea' from a freaking crystal ball.  I guess the george has been modified because some little freaking fairy whispered into HTC's ear that it was porked and...*poof* it was changed.  I guess HTC is just freaking omnipotent and all changes to AH was just precognicense (sp).  They just freaking know what makes everyone in AH happy without anyone saying a damn thing.

Don't hand me that BS.  It's freaking people like you that piss me off.  You do not try to understand someone else's point of just simply pounce on them claiming that their posts is worthless and just a mind numbing 'whine'.

This community can have a voice of integrity and can be a valid tool without the mindless drivel that some people resort to with the flame wars.  And you cannot simply 'Pooh, pooh' these things away with idle, thoughtless, repetive comments that exist in practically every freaking flaming post.

As a customer, I am dissatisfied.  I thought my post was informative and lacking (as SOB said) squeaking and, I thought, whining.  This gives a forum for others who share this opinion to voice it so that HTC is informed.

If the best you can do is the squeak and whine about my posts then perhaps it might have been better not to respond.  It's the shallow, small minded people that insist on starting a flame war when they disagree with a perspective and cannot come up with a constructive arguement.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2002, 07:21:35 PM by Drunky »
Drunky | SubGenius
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Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2002, 07:26:31 PM »
I explained to you why you posting this thread was just going to start a flamewar and nothing more.

I didn't say your post was a whine.

In fact, you didn't understand my post at all.

Offline Drunky

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« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2002, 07:33:08 PM »
I apologize SW.  I was over-sensitive and trigger-happy because I expected people to flame this posts as they have Sach's post.

Once again I apologize.

Originally posted by AKS\/\/ulfe
I explained to you why you posting this thread was just going to start a flamewar and nothing more.-SW

Unfortunately, I believe that your are correct :(
Drunky | SubGenius
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Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2002, 07:39:55 PM »
'tis no problem, the post was well constructed and I thought it was a good overview of what the problem with this "update" would be for a lot of people.

I was taken back by the lack of planes and vehicles too, until I saw the other features they implemented... which I thought were nice.

Offline palef

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« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2002, 07:55:21 PM »
Two points -

1. You waited until you'd had a decent look at changes before you said anything.
2. You presented a well thought out post that included both your positive and negative critique's of 1.11.

That's exactly what I was talking about in my "flame" reply to Sach's post.

Plus you presented your disappointment as your own. You didn't attempt to project your opinion as an opinion representative of the majority of AH players in the way that others can sometimes do.


Offline Pyro

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« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2002, 09:11:12 PM »
I thought that was a pretty good post Drunky, save perhaps the last line.  It'd be nice if this board was only filled with well said opinions and posts.  Unfortunately, it gets drowned out by those seeking to incite and those those who who want to be incited.  The answer is so easy yet so unattainable, at least for the board as a whole.  

Anyway, no this isn't the version we initially planned.  We did change plans but it will work out better this way.  There are some really good things in this version that are understated.  It's not necessarily true that one thing we do displaces another either.  Some things are independent.  More planes would have been nice for instance, and that's my fault but in the end, I think it will work out for the best.  We'll be talking about our upcoming plans shortly and maybe you'll like what we have in store.

Offline oboe

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« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2002, 07:03:09 AM »
Its nice to see you jump in here and reply to a post Pyro.

This has been the smoothest and fastest downloading version ever.   My download just screamed.    And the added features worked as advertised and the new planes were fun to try out.
So congrats on the smooth rollout!

From the v1.11 posts so far, a lot of us are wondering why a version that spent so long in development included such a small amount of new units.   I'm under the impression that unit creation is independent of other game feature development, and that your team can produce roughly 1 plane per artist per month (varying of course by # engines and crew positions, whether its a variant of an existing model, etc).

You alluded that an answer is coming, and I don't doubt the decisions you've made are for the best in the long run.   I just hope you post some news soon.  I think the community will back you once we know a little more about the situation and your future plans for the game.    Right now all we can do is wonder  and speculate, because as others have stated, this release feels more like a "patch" than a full new version release.

Offline Scot

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« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2002, 07:18:26 AM »

Good Post!

« Last Edit: December 18, 2002, 08:24:36 AM by Scot »

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2002, 07:28:00 AM »
I dunno with Brady Sachs (AG) and Minus I think we are well represented.

Sweeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat Jesioooooooooous :)

Offline Ghosth

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« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2002, 08:01:54 AM »
Map downloads in game are at least twice as fast as before. HUGE change & well appreciated.

Smoothing code reworked and WORKING!

Have not played this smooth since 1.02 IMO.

Again a huge plus for gameplay.

New planes, new Tank all needed and very welcome.

Adds up to a good release in my book.

So it didn't have a ton of new features.
If this is what they needed to take care of business and set the stage for further developments then I'm happy.

Its not like the dev team is going on vacation for a year.

Offline Rude

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Re: 1.11
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2002, 08:26:56 AM »
Originally posted by Drunky
I'm not trying to get people's panties in a bunch, but...

I would like to preface this with a to HTC and their efforts to improve AH.  They work hard to make improvements and cater to us.  I appreciate this.

Was I disappointed with 1.11 (first patch included)?  Simply put, yes I was disappointed.

To expound;  I have become a little burnt out on AH and was looking forward to 1.11 in hopes that it would rekindle some of that spark that has been missing.  Kinda like being married and the same 'ole sex becomes a bit stale.  You look for something to spice it up a bit.

What was I happy with in 1.11?  I buttering love the stuka and the 163.  The p-51 looks incredibly IMHO.  I'm looking forward to driving the Tiger also.  The improvements to the netcode and packets are also more than welcomed.

What would I have liked to see?  A few more new planes to learn and get used to.  New maps to explore and learn the niches of.  Yes, I'm aware that there are 2 new maps but frankly most of the old maps are not very good for the numbers that are flying now.

I know that the mission theatre is otw, but personally I'm not expected to be awed by it.  Hopefully I am wrong.  Hopefully it does redefine things.  I just don't see a predefined scripted arena keeping my interest.  I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about it and it's awesome, but I reserve my enthusiasm.

To summarize, I'm a bit burnt out on AH and was looking for specific things that would respark my interest.  1.11 didn't not include these things yet.  This is why I'm disappointed.  I think others share this sentiment also...noteable sach post comes to mind.

Since this is a public forum for AH, I am voicing my opinion.  I would expect others to post their opinions, both for and against, and since AH is customer based this is an acceptable medium for AH to hear customer feelings/thoughts/expectations.

Okay pom-pom that you're panties are in a wad...flame away. :D  I fully expect you to drown out any constructive criticism with your 'defending HTC's honour'.

I've said it before and I'll say it's not what you say, it's how you say it.

It's all in the delivery.

Nice post Drunky!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2002, 08:32:31 AM by Rude »

Offline Dowding (Work)

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« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2002, 08:29:32 AM »
I made that point in Sad-Sachs' thread.