Author Topic: Med League  (Read 1058 times)

Offline newguy

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Med League
« on: October 17, 2000, 06:24:00 PM »
Hey guys, not sure if ya know or not, but the med league starts at 8:30 EST tonight. Zig just anounced it in the main. Thats 1 hour from now. Cya there! Westy, if you read this, Citabria told me he cant make it tonight, so I nominate you as CO of our p38's   If you can make it that is.

The Wrecking Crew

Offline Westy

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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2000, 09:26:00 PM »

 I was all set this afternnon. ready to go tonight.. untill the wife said tonight we had a parent-teacher conference to attend to. And then a bite to eat with the neighbors wh also went. All I could think of was flying at 25k in P-38's either escorting our charges again or hunting for the Hun in the Sun.
 Sorry I was the missing man tonight    


Offline newguy

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« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2000, 10:36:00 PM »
Hey no problem Westy, real life comes first   That being said, we coulda used ya   We started off well, dispersing a large group of 190s (we had 6 p38s) at around 30k. Then we chased them back to Italy and picked a few off. Then bad stuff happened. Rob, who had been hit earlier crashed tryin to land. We then saw some really low 190s and went after them. Problem was, not all of us went, splitting us up (I think this was a problem due to the fact that not all of us had rw, my wingie being one of them). I foolishly went to the deck after a 190. I musta been going too fast, cause my plane felt real sluggish as I tried to turn with him. I had a couple good looks, but couldnt land a shot. JC had come down to save my butt, but he was unable to finish the deal with the 190 either. Good evasives whoever you were, we were about 50 feet off the drink going around 50!. This was about the time the 190s buddy StSanta shows up. Either he or the other 190 pinged me up pretty good, causing damage to a flap, and an aerlon causing the plane to react even more sluggishly. I could have run at this point but JC was still in the mix, so I turned back and aimed for the high 190. Another mistake on my part, as I was not nearly fast enough. StSanta  easily went over me and swooped down for the kill. I was too low when I bailed, and my body was torn and swallowed by the sea.

Over all, I would say that our group lacked the same coordination and dicipline that we had last Tuesday. I think this was due to not everyone have RW and the fact that the group was bigger, although I dont think that 6 is unmanagable. Communication was a bit of a mess  

Hope you can make the next frame, and keep me from killing myself   Would like to fly with my CO Citabria one of the times too  

The Wrecking Crew

[This message has been edited by newguy (edited 10-17-2000).]

Offline hblair

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« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2000, 10:49:00 PM »
Thanks for the compilment on my evasives newguy.   How about pasting this AAR onto my thread over here...

I'd appreciate it. And your friends AAR's too.


Offline Westy

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« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2000, 09:52:00 AM »
Wow. I missed a really fun frame it sounds like  

 Believe me I was thinking about it after wards and later when we got home too late and the event was already over.
 The RW is almost like glue. Next time try and  pair up with another RW user (me if I'm there! and I should be) so you can have that extra 'edge' in combat.


Offline Swager

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« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2000, 11:34:00 AM »
As part of the 7 Me109 G-6s led by Zigrat made our way to Malta.  We encountered (I believe 5) Spit 5s around our high 2 oclock.  It is hard to describe what happened for between the turning Spits and the zooming 109s, shouts thru RW, myself swearing at a downward spiraling Spit so I honestly can not explained what happened.

RW was totally wild during this nasty furball and we covered our squadmate's sixes very well.  The spits were slippery but once they were at co-alt our numbers prevailed. I cleared a few 6s and got mine cleared also.  I did not get myself into too much trouble due to advanced warning from my squadies.

I managed to get good hits on two Spits, the second one smartly pick the only liable option. Dodging to a friendly airfield.  At this time the squad extended away from the scene toward home.

We ended up with 3 kills for a loss of 1.  Just about to land at A19 when a kill message for Swager came over the the text buffer for one of the Spits I had damaged.  The pilot must of ran into trouble landing. So we ended up getting 4 out of 5.  No doubt if the numbers were more even, the outcome would of been different.

Thanks to my wingman ygsmilo for clearing my six numerous times!  I can also still hear Sox screaming, "Swager 6, Swager 6, Swager break right!!!!"

Salute to those Spit pilots!!

Squad members were:


Our second flight we ran into high Spits and Typhoons and things did not go as well. Once again I hit two Spits but was unable to bring any down. Got good hits on a Spit in a HO and was getting the upper hand when I got Disco'ed.  

Took off again and after a long flight, engaged two Typhoons over friendly territory.  Fought from 15K down to ground and finally succumed to them as they neatly boxed me in. Was a blast!

Looking forwad to next one!

Nice job Zig!!  <S>

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 10-18-2000).]
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.