thrila, Ive emptied my hurricane's MG into a 110 at point blank range.
It was an AFK 110, he flew nice and straight the whole way. Both engines on fire, grey smoke coming out as well, I even had the luxury of concentrating fire on one engine for a little while.
110 pilot came back from AFK after I ran outta ammo, loop-fought me for a while, then I decided WTF and dove for home. Only to see the 110 CHASE me all the way back to my airfield. He even closed in on my several times, where I was forced to barrel roll him to make him overshoot and turn to get back on my 6.... and he did and cought up with me time and again.
Now how an alleged "engine damaged" plane does that, especially a 110C4, is beyond me. CRS has said the damage is there but it doesnt happen fast enough. Another of their roadkill lies, ive flown a 110 and allowed myself to be shot to hell , flaming, smoking... engine rpm nor manifold ever drops, even after u stay as air support for ground forces AFTER you shoot down the hurricane that set you on fire.
Oh, and the 110 performs just like the 109, its just a *tad* slower. That in itself is laughable, but then again, CRS cant be expected to model stuff seriously.