Author Topic: to frenchy and others who think b17 guns better than real life...  (Read 1143 times)

Offline VOR

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to frenchy and others who think b17 guns better than real life...
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2003, 04:25:13 PM »
I've never met a single LW pilot. Sad really. It just isn't fair that some (living in Tulsa, Oklahoma) should have so much while the rest of us have so little :(

Wotan, you'd better take this more seriously. 12 LW pilots can't be wrong, after all. ;)

Offline Bluedog

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to frenchy and others who think b17 guns better than real life...
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2003, 08:03:56 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
It is widely known that the "self-protected bomber formation" concept failed in that the bombers simply could not defend themselves properly against cannon armed heavy-fighters like the 110 and 190. The 110 with its 20mm's, ample ammo supply and sable gun platform, simply outranged the manually operated Browning's on the B-17. The 190A8 with its heavy frontal armor would simply weather the B-17's defenses. Sure a few would be shot up, but most would get deadly close with those 151's and 108's. Most of those that were hit bad survived either by ditching or bailing (over friendly territory unlike the allies), and their rides were easily replaced. Actually, German fighter production went UP after the 8th's "Big Week" offensive against Germanys aircraft industry. Not until the bombers got fighter escort all the way to their target did the Luftwaffe suffer major casualties, and still the bomber formations would get badly mauled sometimes.

Reasonably widely known that the above all holds true in AH too.
A fighter attacking a 3 plane group of bombers in AH is dead meat if he doesnt do it smart, yes, the multiple .50s will turn you into confetti.
A 3 plane bomber group is in deep toejam if a cannon equipped fighter driver with his head screwed on the right way shows up, he might get hit, but he can easilly chop all three bombers out of the air and survive the encounter.

If the bombers have an effective fighter escort, the chances of surviving the encounter are greatly reduced, but a few of the bombers are still gonna get hurt.

Sounds like it's about right to me....attack from 5,6 or 7 o'clock, and you are dead, come in from 10,11,12,1 or 2 o'clock, high, stay fast, and shoot straight, chances are you will meet with success.

It's not the buff guns that are the true killers, it's the lack of the patience required to set up for an effective firing pass displayed by the majority of AH "fighter pilots".