Author Topic: The Perfect Yak Flight  (Read 314 times)

Offline Vermillion

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The Perfect Yak Flight
« on: July 23, 2000, 07:07:00 PM »
Well almost...   I never expected to able to get a 4 kill mission in a Yak.

This tour I decided I was gonna concentrate more on flying fun, and learning Jabo in AH, rather than exclusively flying to live and working on K/D.

So after several quite exciting jabo + multi kill flights in the P-47, I decided it was time to roll out the Yak-9U.

I took off from A1 to A2, and along the way bounced a 205. I burned alot of my E and several seconds of my fire, trying to get him before he "mysteriously" disco's just when he got low and slow. Not a good way to start a sortie I think  

I continue on to A2, and arrive at the fight just as I see one of our fighters running away and trailing 2 Zeke's, 2 205's, and a 109. So I wait for the "Train O' Fighters" to go pass me and I roll over and dive towards the rear of the Train.

Now, my instincts tell me that the 109 is my most dangerous opponent and this case I should go after him first. But he is smart and he breaks away.

I know I should concentrate on the 109... but those Zeke's and 205's are SO tempting and I give into the dark side and dive after them.  

I close on the first zeke, that is tail end charlie... 1k... 700.. 200... 150. BAM BAM BAM BAM and the entire rear of the aircraft comes off and I keep charging after the next plane. He never looked back.


Now I am coming up on a 205 and another Zeke not more than 100 yards apart in trail formation and maybe two wingspans of lateral seperation, I expect that even if I get one, the other will see me and break off.

Closer, and closer, I hold back knowing I gotta get in close and make it count with the weak guns of the Yak. I can't believe my luck that they don't look back in an extremely hot combat zone, blindly chasing my countryman.

At literally 80 yards I hammer the right wing off the 205 and immediately roll my guns onto the zeke without letting off the firing button. My cannon shells strike home from the left wingtip of the zeke and my roll walks the hits right onto the cockpit, and he explodes in a ball of fire.

Assist  (I assume he was pinged by someone else earlier in fight, and since I got a pilot kill, the other guy did more "damage")

By now my blood is racing   and I'm quickly closing on the last 205 that is chasing my buddy. Its just unbelieveable that this guy hasn't looked back as I blow away his 3 countrymen and close on his tail very rapidly.

At about 200, I pull the trigger only to here my last single cannon shell go downrange, and I pepper him in the fueselage with my x2 12.7mm heavy machineguns.

Now here is where I screwed up. hehehe

I see white and black smoke start to stream from his aircraft as he pulls up very hard into the vertical to avoid my fire. My trusty Yak pulls thru the vertical with him and I keep the hammer down working on his wing now with my MG's.

Now all I had too do was to keep my nose down and keep going and I was home free. I knew in my gut that the 205 wasn't going to make it home, but I wanted to see him explode!!!   So I greedily go after him into the loop, and I look back to see that the 109 I let go earlier, is behind me on my six as I reverse into him. He gets some hits into me as I go over the top, but no critical damage.

About now my sense of self preservation starts to overcome my greed, and I see that the 205 is going for a ditch (thats the last I saw of him, and I assume he made it down without cracking up since I didn't receive a kill award). So I continue the loop and point my nose down to run, I evade his fire, and I finally get a little seperation, and I start to think maybe I am actually going to get away.

Then another 109 shows up at my high 12   One in front of me with E, and another at my six just out of gun range which is  between me and my base.

I pull up into the vertical against the one that just arrived, as I hear my trusty Yak come apart all around me.

You have been killed by Aper.

Gawd that was the most fun I have had in AH in months. It was great   even though I didn't make it home.

And I would never have guessed that the Yak had enough ammo to down 4 aircraft. Of course two were Zeke's but.... but still 4 boogies down  

Salute to all involved, was great fun and a memorialable sortie!

{Edit: And you want to know what the worst part was?? I forget to turn on my freekin gun cam. Arggggghhhhhhhh.   }

**MOL**, Men of Leisure
"Real Men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires"

[This message has been edited by Vermillion (edited 07-23-2000).]

Offline By-Tor

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The Perfect Yak Flight
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2000, 07:21:00 PM »
Originally posted by Vermillion:

Gawd that was the most fun I have had in AH in months. It was great     even though I didn't make it home.

 THATS what I'm talking about
Great stuff Vermillion.
Push it to the the limit! <S>

Offline Fariz

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The Perfect Yak Flight
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2000, 08:02:00 PM »
Nice story Verm  


Offline CavemanJ

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The Perfect Yak Flight
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2000, 01:22:00 AM »
I had a run of 4 kills and an asst (a few MG rounds in a snapshot, gotta save that cannon   ) in a Yak a couple nights ago.  The yak is a fun bird to fly I think, and it'll sure help ya work on improving your gunnery.

Mino and I got tangled up w/ the 13th TAS in thier 47s and for better than an hour I guess, we kept reupping and fighting around 33 (til a buncha other bish showed and my connection went south).  Was lining up on kill 5, thunder (I think it was), and was about 3 seconds from sending his jug into the earth when av8r comes screaming in in a -30.  I dodged him once or twice more, and thunder once, then thought I could get thunder and get away.  av8r brought that jug around quicker than I thought he could've and saved thunder's bacon a second before I could light him up.

<S> to the 13th, was alot of fun

Offline WarChild

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The Perfect Yak Flight
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2000, 08:06:00 AM »
Verm u slimy A1 vulching Rook pond scum!!! that was me.. that last 205 you shot to hell... and i was counting the pings.. i saw u coming at the very last minute and screwed up my evasive... i think u put over 20 MG hits on me.. and yes the 20mm took my radiator... I managed to flame another one of your country before i made nice with flock of sheep. Yup.. sucessful ditch! WTG Verm...  


Offline Cobra

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The Perfect Yak Flight
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2000, 08:17:00 AM »
Yep, the Yak is a sweet bird.  I've gotten a few 4 kill sorties in it, even nailed two buffs in one sortie too.

As Cave said, it is a really fun bird to fly, and you have to get in real close before you open up...that ammo is very valuable.

I've also dueled the 13th in my Yak against their ponies...great fights everytime.

WTG Verm!!


Offline Vermillion

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The Perfect Yak Flight
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2000, 09:16:00 AM »
LOL Warchild!!!  

Was incredible fun.

I have a new post it on my monitor now, that says....


**MOL**, Men of Leisure
"Real Men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires"