Author Topic: <S> Americans  (Read 3791 times)

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #135 on: February 07, 2003, 12:48:09 AM »
It doesn't wash Toad. I just think it's roadkill to suggest people have said anything disrespectful of dead US service-people. You've mentioned it several times; I must be reading a different BBS, because I just don't see it.

I've seen plenty dissing the French war dead, but that doesn't seem to matter.

'For some of you youngsters' sounds awfully personal to me. And when you go on to suggest ignorance and ungratefulness regarding WW2, it's hardly jumping to conclusions to think the two are linked.

But use muddied generalisations amongst very specific sounding statements, if that's what you want.

Have a nice day.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #136 on: February 07, 2003, 01:06:54 AM »
Best reread my posts then because you are missing the point, either deliberately or inadvertently.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Naso

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Re: Re: Re: Lastly, Naso.....
« Reply #137 on: February 07, 2003, 03:40:21 AM »
Originally posted by Toad
I'm not calling you anything. I don't make ad hominem attacks. Whatever you are on this board in anyone's mind, it's you that have created the image/persona with your writings. Just as we all have.

I asked a serious question, given what I've read of your replies. I asked you if you thought the US NSO would leave when the time came in a normal "end of contract" civilised manner.

Obviously, you agree that they will. Which has been a major point of mine throughout this thread.

You are calling me idiot by suggesting that I can believe something so absurd.


Let's see. Italians themselves threw out Mussolini and Facism but were unable to remove the Germans that soon controlled their country. After the Allies drove the Germans out and the war was over,...

You are discarding the battles and the deaths, the cities that rebelles before the allies entered (like the Naples civilians, that fought 4 days to throw out the Germans), or almost the entire North, that have the Germans surrender the weapons to the partisans to have free path to the southern Austria.
But that does'nt count, they were not US deaths.

...the Catholic Church and the US CIA subverted the free elections? Is that what you're telling me? That the Church should never have spoken out or is it that the Church was merely a tool of the United States as well? Then the CIA "bought" the election for Democrazia Cristiana? Is this what you're saying?

The Catolic church is not part of the Italian state, the Vatican it's a sovereign state encircled in Italian territory (for you information, during the unification process, Rome was attacked by the Bersaglieri, and made a fierce resistence, the actual Vatican it's what is left of a state that extended in all central Italy), and  her interference on Italian elections (mantained until the late '80), was in violation of the "concordato".
And no, the Church was not operating under US control (you know US is a Protestant state?) but they shared for a moment the same objective (avoid the commies win the elections).
I said that CIA donate funds (like a lot of big families, Agnelli, Augusta, that become very rich under the fascist dictatorate), and this one too is an interference on a sovereign state.

The Italian electorate that put Mussolini in power and then removed him were scared into the hands of the Democrazia Cristiana by the Catholic Church and purchased by the CIA as well for Democrazia Cristiana?

Is this what you are telling me? I'm not putting words into your mouth.. .I'm trying to understand that you really believe this.

Mister, I believe in nothing, my ideas are always open to change, if new informations arise, I remember to have already told you this in one of the old discussions.
There have been trials here, after DC was disbanded for corruption, and something has been put out of the secret by the CIA, the local chief of CIA in those times testify about that.
Will be difficult for you to find info on your US based sites, or even in other sites (WWW does'nt contain everything), but you can learn Italian and read some thousand of pages coming out from this trials.
An interesting piece of info, but just that, info.
More on this later.


Further, are you implying that we would have withheld the Marshall plan from Italy if Democrazia Cristiana had not won? Are you saying that?

Because if you are, are you aware that Marshall also offered aid to the Soviet Union and its allies in eastern Europe, but Stalin denounced the program as a trick and refused to participate?

In June 1947, delegates from France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union met in Paris to discuss Marshall's proposal. After several days, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov walked out, stating that the Soviet government "rejects this plan as totally unsatisfactory."

So you're saying we wouldn't have offered it to Italy if Democrazia Cristiana had not won?

Check by yourself, maybe you have all the possible info.

As to Berlusconi controlling your country and govenment by ownership of the media........

Let's see. You HAD a system for free elections after the war. What happened to it? IF you lost it it through losing control of the media to Berlusconi, who's fault would that be?

You asked about free elections NOW in Italy, I answered.
If you mistakenly supposed that I was accusing the US for it, you are wrong, this point to the real problem, even when a comment have nothing to do with US, you read it as an US bashing (and in this case is really an Italy bashing made by me), remember: i am not a "right or wrong it's my country" type of man.


Not that I agree with you basic premise. Mussolini totally controlled the country with an iron fist, media and all and ended up shot and hanged.

Berlusconi can still be done in with a simple ballot. IF the electorate so chooses.

It's not so simple, an electorate can choose based on the information it have, if the infos are biased and controlled by one side, the choise will be "guided" in some way.

What we can see here in Italy is a macroexample of what a modern "info-dictature" can be, an interesting subject to study, less nice to live in it... but such is life.

This lead on the successive post you made, not directed to me (I hope), when you suggest (and you are not wrong) that there's a lot of people that have little knowledge of the History (I hope you dont include me in them ;) ).

There's another problem... the problem is that the History is not absolute, it's relative, it's made of points of views, and can be examinated with the light of common sense and some little sociology.

Believing as you seem to do, that a country spend money and lives with no reward, just to help others, it's an oversimplification (i have the impression to have used a word that dont exist).

I bet your relatives that fought the war were people that truly believed the values you expressed, almost the same that I have, and I respect them and Salute them, and all the lifes spent to this values, and I Salute all the people that died for an ideal, even if I disagree with the ideals they died for.

But I question the governments, the powers (all of them, not only U.S.), behind them, I dont trust them, even if their acts have some good effect (as US had in Europe), I consider it a secondary effect, the primary objective it's another one, and it's not feed on the masses.

As I have already stated, if we leave this US-centric attitude and start to consider other nations, like Italy, you will find me bashing with the same force the govrnment and their professed intentions.

Fact is that almost every argument here in this board goes quick down to the dead road of the "We are better than others" "you owe us everything"...

and finally, the masterpiece: "we saved you arse".

It's tiring, and sad, because at that point everyone lose control on emotions (yeah sometime me too), and the discussion lose his positive effect: the sharing of points of view, and become a battle of absolute principles.

Offline Toad

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Lastly, Naso.....
« Reply #138 on: February 07, 2003, 08:46:09 AM »
As I said, I don't call anyone anything. I let their own posts paint their own portrait.

I said "Your initial implication was that there are NO armies that are sent for liberation rather than conquest. I beg to differ. We've had our missteps but I'll take the record of the US over any other."

You replied with "Oh, an hint: on official administration territory charts it's called "US occupation force installation" and it's due to be occupied until the 2042 (99 years). "

Yet we both agree that the NSO will likely disappear or at least be renegotiated in 2042. Without any "force" being used at all.

Hard to twist that into "conquering" from my point of view and it would seem you agree.

As for the Italian resistance to the Germans, I'm not discarding it at all. We didn't even discuss it. I merely made the historically correct observation that it wasn't until the Allies landed in Italy and forced the Germans out that Italy had any chance at all of regaining free elections, despite having executed Mussolini. I'm sure you realize the historical truth of that as well.

I don't doubt that the US may have tried to influence Italian elections from time to time with money. I've often said there's been mistakes and missteps in US foreign policy. I do doubt, however, that US money ever really ensured one candidate winning over another.

The Chinese gave lots of money to the Democrats here too. LOTS of money. But I seriously doubt it was the sole reason for Democratic wins.

I didn't ask about free elections now in Italy; I merely pointed out that after the occupation Italy was given the chance to freely choose it's leadership. It's a continuation of my proposition that US armies didn't come to conquer, which you seemed to dispute with your "None and None" reply to my earlier question.

YOU brought up the present situation. Apparently you feel you no longer have "free elections". Maybe, maybe not... but if NOT where does the responsibility lie? THAT is my question and it relates once again to the root cause I my postings with you in this thread. It's the "conquest" aspect. After the occupation, did Italy have free elections? You say the Catholic Church cheated CIA "bought" them so they weren't free.

Seems to me in the 60+ years since the Italians have been in command of their own politics for better or for worse... Catholic Church and CIA not withstanding. Maybe you disagree.

I'm sure we BOTH agree that Italy never became an American colony after the passage of the US Army. There was no conquest.

There's ample evidence of our style and it's like few if any that went before us. Japan is another example as is/was West Germany.

And how about that Marshall Plan, eh? Offered to the Soviet Union and all its captured and enslaved satellites as well as the former neutral and Allied nations.

Kinda brings into focus whether or not Italy would have been in the Marshall Plan if DC had lost, don't you think?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #139 on: February 07, 2003, 08:47:08 AM »
Originally posted by TWOLF

TYpical Human remark. I am not Human, and I resent your Xenophobic attitudes in here....nanoonanoo...

Offline AKIron

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« Reply #140 on: February 07, 2003, 08:51:34 AM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
AkIron if you would know what I know, and then look into a load of comments made by Americans on this BB it would be clear as day to you too.

Ah, I see. It's ignorant arrogance when I say it, but the truth when you say it. Thanks for enlightening me.
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Offline Naso

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lastly, Naso.....
« Reply #141 on: February 07, 2003, 09:33:37 AM »
Originally posted by Toad
...Hard to twist that into "conquering" from my point of view and it would seem you agree.
...I don't doubt that the US may have tried to influence Italian elections from time to time with money. I've often said there's been mistakes and missteps in US foreign policy. I do doubt, however, that US money ever really ensured one candidate winning over another.
...YOU brought up the present situation. Apparently you feel you no longer have "free elections". Maybe, maybe not... but if NOT where does the responsibility lie? THAT is my question and it relates once again to the root cause I my postings with you in this thread. It's the "conquest" aspect. After the occupation, did Italy have free elections? You say the Catholic Church cheated CIA "bought" them so they weren't free.
...I'm sure we BOTH agree that Italy never became an American colony after the passage of the US Army. There was no conquest.

There's ample evidence of our style and it's like few if any that went before us. Japan is another example as is/was West Germany.

And how about that Marshall Plan, eh? Offered to the Soviet Union and all its captured and enslaved satellites as well as the former neutral and Allied nations.

Kinda brings into focus whether or not Italy would have been in the Marshall Plan if DC had lost, don't you think?

Look above, I already said the today situation have little to do with the US, let's agree I misunderstand the question, and guessed you were asking about the today situation (I presumed that for the first time you were interested in something different from the USA, I was wrong).

About the colony.

In the last half century, a new type of colonization has been introduced.
It's based on massmedia and economics.

It's not completely bad, but is unstoppable.
And it scare me, because its transforming the world in a flat entity, without diversity, composed by only one type of human: "the consumer".

About the money.

Money cant buy an election, you say.
Money cant control a nation, you say.

True, probably true in many cases, but depending on where you spend it, money can raise pressures in the intended direction.

Maybe you lost it, check this post for an example:

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #142 on: February 07, 2003, 09:45:43 AM »
AkIron first of all, you are trying to make this into an argument for nothing. At which point I claimed you (as in person) were doing or saying anything?

The whole way how you replied once again shows this agressive-defensive attitude which I really can't understand. What I said above are the facts as I see them - and let me stress again as I see them - , based on my own experience after talking with several exchange students and meeting several people from the US.

I was referring to the people who make statements like all Euro's are a bunch of dentally impaired trash that should be nuked every time they say something against any american. This is the BS spewing I was talking about in my comment. I'm sure you noticed those posts too.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #143 on: February 07, 2003, 10:02:31 AM »
naso and dowding.... All I got out of this whole thing is that you think we are arrogant and you don't like us but that you think we owe it to you/the rest of the world to step in when and how the rest of you see fit?  some sort of UN kinda thing...  

Oh... do angolans have socialized "dentistry" (LOL) too?

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #144 on: February 07, 2003, 10:15:56 AM »
I was referring to the people who make statements like all Euro's are a bunch of dentally impaired trash that should be nuked every time they say something against any american.

Well, when we're not beating our wives, or selling our babies drugs, or killing indians or oppressing our asian, latino and black citizens and there's nothin good on the hsitory or wings channel, we need something constructive to do.
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Offline Naso

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« Reply #145 on: February 07, 2003, 11:49:48 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
naso and dowding.... All I got out of this whole thing is that you think we are arrogant and you don't like us but that you think we owe it to you/the rest of the world to step in when and how the rest of you see fit?  some sort of UN kinda thing...  


You got it wrong, maybe you are confusing me with someone else.