Author Topic: question for graphics guys (view perspective)  (Read 712 times)

Offline Zigrat

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question for graphics guys (view perspective)
« on: December 06, 2000, 08:00:00 PM »
there have been questions about this stuff before but...

to me the view perspective seems funny... i do not know why but if you look at the video of flashpoint at:

Look at the helicopter footage at the end.. it seems somehow that that view seems *real* where we are zoomed out somehow or something? Why is the feel so different?

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question for graphics guys (view perspective)
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2000, 08:57:00 PM »
Zig: The AH standard view is 90 degrees.  If you measure the angle from your eyes to the two edges of your monitor you'll get about 45 degrees.  So the standard AH view is like looking through a 35mm camera (which has a normal lens of 50 mm) with a 25 mm wide angle lens.  If you hit the zoom key I think the default zoom is 45 degree image.  That would be "normal", but then you have to use the keypad view keys a lot or you miss things.

Others: be advised that the link points to a 17 MByte mpg which is a bit of a drag for us mere peons with 56K modems rather than DSL.