Author Topic: Ideas and suggestions of old...  (Read 151 times)

Offline SKurj

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Ideas and suggestions of old...
« on: February 19, 2003, 10:49:21 AM »
Ok these ideas (when I remember them all...) are ideas and suggestions posted long ago, which for one reason or another were not possible in AH.

Standardized Gunner positions in all multi-gun planes.

  Code AH2 so that Pos 2 is always tail, Pos 3 is always upper, Pos 4 always Nose, etc etc.  Such that no matter which plane you hop into you can always find the gun position you want without having to hop through a few.

Rear View in aircraft like the 110, Stuka, IL2,  aircraft with a single rear gunner..

Personally I'd like to see the rear view modified to represent the view from the gunner's perspective.  This would in an all be it limited fashion attempt to replicate the radio chatter from the tail gunner.  If the rear gunner is dead (hope this is added +)  then limit the view to its current state in AH.

When more come to mind I'll post em..
