Pokie, I've been here since the first day the TE was available. 3 years ago??
Nhawk, look at page 6 in here, I ALWAYS show pics and explain, althou I'm under no obligation to.
MwDOODY. we all feel left out at times and MANY questions go unanswered. I DO know how you feel, search this forum and you'll see my frustration as a newcomer. I've posted many helps files in here, I always try to help. Many people ask questions in this forum, only to be never heard from again. After awhile answering the same question over and over gets tiresome. I try to answer as many questions as I can, But I can't answer all. The terrain editor is hard enough without adding things that aren't really supposed to work, kinda like you have to crawl before you walk. HiTech himself said " don't try to re-invent the wheel" ( only he had more spelling errors).
Basically alot of information is shared here, it's the best forum on HTC's BBS. Theres also a terrain team with their own private forum ( they don't hang in here either). You may want to ask to get on the team if your really serious about mapmaking.