Again Toad, deal with your ugly friends in Kuwait, Sauth- Arabia, Agypt, Pakistan and other first, then im convinced.
Saudi Arabia's principal import sources, 2001:
1 United States 17.7%
2 Japan 10.4%
3 Germany 7.9%4 United Kingdom 6.5%
5 Italy 4.7%
7 Australia 4.0%
Top 10 Sources of Imports in Pakistan (1998-2002 in Million US $)
UAE 1353.9
KSA 1200.7
Kuwait 731.8
USA 687.8
China 676.2
Japan 519.3
Malaysia 456.3
Germany 439.6 Kuwait Trading Partners
1999 (Jan-June) US$m %
USA 705 32.7
Japan 350 16.2
UK 277 12.9
Germany 248 11.5France 92 4.3
Australia 88 4.1
Egypt - Germany trade is 706 billion DeutchmarksEgypt-Germany, Economics, 7/31/1998
Peter Dingens, Germany's ambassador in Cairo, praised yesterday
Germany's close relations with Egypt in varying fields,
adding that his country is the second-largest commercial partner for Egypt after the U.S.Seems like we're not the only ones with "ugly friends".