Author Topic: A Community Vote On The La-7  (Read 5735 times)

Offline Kweassa

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2003, 09:08:17 AM »
In my opinion...

LA-7: 4 points
TYPHOON: 3 points
YAK9-U: 3 points
P-51D: 3 points
190D-9: 3 points
F4U-1D: 3 points
109G-10: 3 points
P-38L: 3 points
N1K2-J: 3 points
P-47D-30: 3 points

 Perking these 10 planes would shift the MA into a mid/late 1943 environment.

 The F4U-1, P-51B, La-5FN, and the P-47D11 will be the four fastest fighters at low alts at military power, and F4U-1, P-51B, LA-5, Fw190A-8 would be the four fastest on WEP.

 There's a much bigger chance to see people using various fighters, which before, have been ignored by a lot of average pilots for the reason that they weren't fast or maneuverable enough against 1944~'45 planes.

 The survivability of the P-47s will be vastly enhanced, and since some of the 'super ground attackers' with 2k payload + rockets, have been perked, it would truly live up to its name as a great and fast ground attacking fighter-bomber.
 The ol' N1K2 fans will probably just move on to Spit9s anyway. We'll be seeing a bit less N1K2s, but more Spits.. but no special harm done here.

 The P-51D fans would shift to the P-51B.. which has a little less ammo load, and weaker jabo capabilities. We'll definately see less whinings about 'cowardly runstangs' who come in at 20k to do a single bomb drop and run straight home after.

 The F4U-1 corsair will also start to shine out, but it will of course, be limited in jabo capabilities, compared to the C-hog and the D-hog.

 La-7 fans can comfortably ride the La-5FN, since it shares simular characteristics with the La-7, and is still among the fastest non-perked planes .. but the speed difference between other fighters will be a bit less than the La-7: meaning, it'd require some more careful flying, and also, people won't be whining about La-5FNs much.

 Also, some planes which only a few people rode just for kicks, might come into real recognition: such as the Bf109G-2, Bf109G-6, Fw190A-5, Fw190A-8, C.205.. which will be vastly enhanced in survivability and versatility. More variety IMO, can be expected.

 Also, some jabo planes which people neglected before, could become very appealing, since the planes that were very fast, and also carried huge bomb loads will be perked. Planes like the Mosquito and the Bf110G-2, Fw190F-8 might be able to get more usage as preferred jabo ride of choice. When the 10 planes are perked, the Mossie and the 110, F-8 can all be considered fast planes...

 The 3~4 point perk price would also be adequate. It'd be a super cheap price for the 'experten' who amassed massive perks, and won't bother them from riding their favored rides... and also, it is not a very heavy burden for average/low-skilled pilots, too. Work a bit with other fighters, and they'll achieve 3~10 points easily in a single day. They'll get a chance to ride better planes soon.. and if they are shot down, it's not like losing 200 perks. Just barely enough price to control the numbers in the MA, IMO.

 If those 10 fighters are perked, the planes people will use, will be at 310~336mph range at deck speeds, where many many previously neglected planes can be used. The one single problem is the P-38L, which doesn't have an earlier variant..

 With my suggested perk setup, I think we can see more variety, less whining, and satisfy the people who want to fly fast monster planes(perks very low for the experts), people who want to fly planes they want without too much of a burden(low perks - not really too much of a burden), and also the people who want some plane numbers regulated(3 perks is not too high, but still needs some work for the vast majority of average/low-skilled  players who take up 80% of AH). Also, my suggestion will give some great expert jabo planes(Mossie, 110G-2, Fw190F-8) their role in the MA.. where currently they have no place at all, since almost every USAAF/USN plane can carry loads of rockets+2k load.

ps) also, the survivability of bombers will go up a lot more!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2003, 09:15:17 AM by Kweassa »

Offline Shane

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2003, 09:09:35 AM »
Originally posted by Terror
Perk the "Big Four".  3 perks each!


They have about 33% of the total Air kills....


following this logic, the PzIV should be perked as well.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline Shane

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2003, 09:11:40 AM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
In my opinion...

 The 3~4 point perk price would also be adequate. It'd be a super cheap price for the 'experten' who amassed massive perks, and won't bother them from riding their favored rides...

exactly, you'd be putting "noobs" at even more of a disadvantage.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
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Offline Taiaha

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2003, 09:13:44 AM »
I'm with straffo and BNM: Yawn.

There is no issue here.  The LA7 is mostly flown by people who are either a) learning and suck, or b) suck permanently and are trying to pretend they don't.  When I first started playing AH I used to think they were "unbeatable" and "uber", but I've been chewing them up regular of late, so don't really give a toss if they are perked or not!

Offline oboe

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2003, 09:14:38 AM »
I'd say PERK IT, I'm just tired of alway seeing them, but...

if you do that without perking the Spit IX, P-51, N1K, I think you'd just encourage the LA-7 drivers into the next best ride; and then we'd have to have the same discussion again about a different plane.

After seeing how a small perk charge took care of the F4U-1C scourge, I've always been curious to see what expanding perks to cover most of the late-war plane set (but very cheaply) would do to aircraft usage balance.     IMO, there is a big psychological difference between a free plane and one that costs even 1 or 2 points.     AH has a rich planeset, but it's underutilized because so many pilots just hop into the best free plane they can get.  It'd be interesting to see if that changes when cost (though small) is introduced as a factor.

Sorry for being longwinded, Tequilla.

Offline Tequilla

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2003, 09:21:22 AM »
not at all oboe, I think the input that kweasa and you have added to this thread needs to be considered by the community as well.
I thank both of you for your constructive input.

Offline WldThing

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2003, 09:27:22 AM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
The 3~4 point perk price would also be adequate. It'd be a super cheap price for the 'experten' who amassed massive perks, and won't bother them from riding their favored rides...

massive perks? lol ive been a year and a half and only have 600 fighter perks...But i have lost 27 262's :D

Offline Shane

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2003, 09:29:15 AM »
Originally posted by WldThing
massive perks? lol ive been a year and a half and only have 600 fighter perks...But i have lost 27 262's :D

well, yeah, but you're not "experten"

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798
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Offline WldThing

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2003, 09:30:17 AM »
Originally posted by Shane
well, yeah, but you're not "experten"


Looks whos talkin :p :)

Offline Kweassa

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2003, 09:30:32 AM »
if you do that without perking the Spit IX, P-51, N1K, I think you'd just encourage the LA-7 drivers into the next best ride; and then we'd have to have the same discussion again about a different plane.

 This is true, oboe, but let's consider the 'next best planes', in the case of the 'perk list' I've suggested.

 The 'next best rides', in this case, are much more 'balanced' with lesser performing planes than when the late-war planes were unperked. As I posted above, the P-51B, F4U-1, La-5FN, P-47D-11 are the fastest non-perked planes at low alts with military power, and the P-51B, F4U-1, La-5FN, Fw190A-8 are the fastest planes with wep. Of the five plane types, only one plane can be considered both 'fast' and 'maneuverable' (La-5FN).

 The P-51B is a versatile fighter, but more limited in ammo load, firepower, and jabo capabilities. The F4U-1 is also a great plane, but it definately isn't a like the La-7 or Yak-9U, which has almost every attribute in the top class. P-47D-11, limitations are almost too clear.. and the Fw190A-8.. can also be simular to the P-47D-11.. heavy plane that needs lot of practice and effort to learn. The only plane that vaguely shadows the 'super planes' of 1944~'45, is the La-5FN... but definately easier to handle than the La-7 or the Yak-9U.


exactly, you'd be putting "noobs" at even more of a disadvantage.

 To apply a reverse logic, then would you suggest that if noobs have better planes, they'd have a fair chance against experts? Seeing many many statements from the experts in the forums ;) it seems they always claim they can shoot down any noob in any plane whatever they fly.

 'Noobs' suck in whatever planes they are in anyway. Besides, people who have a lot of perk points which can be thrown around , aren't really that many. As always, the majority is always 'average' or 'underskilled'.

  Basically noobs will die against experts anyway whatever they fly in, and the real majority of their combat is against other noobs or average pilots.

ps) also, one other factor that should be considered, is the initially low perk prices. 3 points.. as an average pilot myself, earning 3 points takes a bit of effort in my case.. have to shoot down about 3~4 planes a sortie to get 3 points quick. Generally, people are sensitive about losing points. 3 points, IMO, is enough to regulate 'hoardes', but not too much demanding like the 70 point Tempy or the 200 point 262.

 also, people will feel less attracted to a 3 point plane, when compared to 60~200 point perk planes. Besides, if the perks are applied in current condition, in most cases, the icons won't give away the plane type for the 3 point perked planes.. except maybe in the case of the P-38L(no other P-38 variant) or the La-5FN(icon specified as 'La5')
« Last Edit: March 03, 2003, 09:40:41 AM by Kweassa »

Offline afool

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2003, 09:34:52 AM »
Don't perk it.

Let people fly what they want to fly.


Offline Ripsnort

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2003, 09:51:28 AM »
Unperk the C-Hog, and Perk the LA-7. :D

Offline kbman

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2003, 10:21:39 AM »
Moot point. In case you hadn't noticed, this isn't a democracy. The decision is entirely HTC's. If and when THEY decide that the La7 is imbalancing the arena then it will get perked, according to their admittedly inscrutable formula for doing so, not before. I wouldn't hold your breath though. ;)


Offline Apache

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2003, 10:23:06 AM »
I've seen alot more 190's than la7's of late.

Offline BNM

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A Community Vote On The La-7
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2003, 10:33:12 AM »
Originally posted by Shane
exactly, you'd be putting "noobs" at even more of a disadvantage.


Originally posted by Kweassa
P-47D-11, limitations are almost too clear..

There's not a plane in AH that has "no limitations". I have 91 kills and 27 deaths in this jug. That's over a 3:1 k/d ratio and I can't fly worth a damn, ask anybody. :D You have to apply yourself to learn a new plane aka... alot of practice and experimentation. After doing so you can be 'good' in just about any plane in AH. I think no matter what you fly SA is one the most important things to being successful.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2003, 11:35:45 AM by BNM »