Author Topic: History will repeat itself  (Read 246 times)

Offline Cherlie

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History will repeat itself
« on: March 16, 2003, 04:56:54 AM »
the romans..........the greeks................Egyptia ns............Incas.........M onguls.....french and the Brits.

All great powers of the world and all circumed to greed.  Other countries revolted which lead to the demise of the leading country.

When will people learn from others mistakes?

the question is, has the U.S?


Offline sling322

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History will repeat itself
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2003, 08:34:04 AM »
Exactly.....and 9-11 is part of our history now.  And I think we have learned from that.  Our government is not gonna sit back and allow something like that to happen again.  Now I know they cant totally prevent it from happening, but being proactive and taking the weapons out of others hands is a start.

If we sit back and allow countries like Iraq to defy UN resolutions and not get rid of chemical and/or biological weapons, its only a matter of time before one of those nations sells one of those weapons to a terrorist group who will seize the opportunity to strike at the US again.

Offline Fatty

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History will repeat itself
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2003, 08:44:45 AM »
Hrm, well we didn't hold on to Afganistan as a territory.  We didn't hold on to kuwait as a territory.  Although I'm no supporter of the war still it's a rediculous assumption to believe we're going to hold on to Iraq as a territory.

Given the similarities, oh wait, there aren't any.  Nevermind.

Offline ra

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History will repeat itself
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2003, 08:53:53 AM »
Saying that those powers all succumed to greed is one hell of a simplification.  No country, no matter how great or small, is more or less greedy than any other.


Offline Udie

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History will repeat itself
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2003, 08:57:21 AM »
Yeah, you know I look back at our history and America just has this rich history of taking over countries. :rolleyes:  (sorry for the rolleyes animal :D)

 Also I love it when germans call Bush hitler.  The utter hypocracy of  them doing so almost makes me laugh.  I guess that's another part of our history too.

 America is evil! Death to America!

Offline Batz

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History will repeat itself
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2003, 09:00:52 AM »
Those empires were based conquest and all over stepped their boundries to a point where they could not hold themselves together.

They were made up of non-homogenous peoples spread out all over the world. The cost became to high for them to maintain their empires.

The US isnt an empire and we are not based on conquest (even though our history had a "conquest" or two.

We havent conquered 1 nation and forced it under our control and then kept control at all costs.

Comparing America to Roman, Britain, or the greeks or any other "empire" is ridiculous.

Offline bounder

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History will repeat itself
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2003, 09:13:35 AM »
Originally posted by sling322

If we sit back and allow countries like Iraq to defy UN resolutions and not get rid of chemical and/or biological weapons, its only a matter of time before one of those nations sells one of those weapons to a terrorist group who will seize the opportunity to strike at the US again.

Even if you don't sit back and instead pursue an agressive antiterrorist police action, you will see all kinds of WMD used by terrorists in atrocities in the future.

Think of it as trickledown except with weapons, not money.

US developed A Bomb in 1940s. By 1950s it is being made by USSR. By 1970s China, 80s, India, 90s Israel, Pakistan. By 2050 anyone who really wants one can have one.

Same goes for chem stuff. Bioweapons even easier to make cause they grow all by themselves.

Don't need no tinpot dictator to make it for me either. If I can grow fungi, I can grow bioweapons using jam jars and an airing cupboard.

No amount of war on terrorism will stop or even reduce this as long as there are causes for terrorism. (not of, but for)

Turning terrorists into politicians can go a long way towards lowering the death toll, but the understandable position of "no negotiations with Terrorists" makes this very difficult.

In the meantime, wait for the first nuclear terrorist atrocity - and if you live in a large US or European city, think about moving to the country.....