Author Topic: The SimHQ interview  (Read 946 times)

Offline oboe

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The SimHQ interview
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2003, 07:57:07 AM »
Originally posted by Oedipus
Regardless, the good news is that with our new graphics engine, the building process for the 3D models has been greatly simplified. We’re expecting a 30-50% decrease in the time it takes us to complete a new model.

That is damn good news!  

Um, any chance for an IAR-80 for the Ploesti missions? ! :D

And maybe a B-24 too?   ;)

Offline Fariz

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The SimHQ interview
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2003, 06:11:53 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
1 - can happen in real life
2 - can happen in real life

1 - Watch over newbies. Train them. Educate them. Notify them that if they do it, they're going to court marshalled, before the mission starts, if you think that guy flying near you is really a newbie. (but on second thought, really real newbies will probably flunk the training rounds over and over again. They probably won't be able to join your flight anyway)

2 - Stay aware of where your frdlies are. Talk to them. Get your roles straight on who's attacking, who's covering, so dumb things like 3~4 planes hogging over 1 enemy, all firing over each other's shoulder don't happen. If some guy ignore your vox, and does something like that, he's bound to courtmarshall.

1 and only -- its not a real life. It is a game. What you write sounds good, now how you gonna implement it? In reality you flew with same people during many training and battle sorties, here you can't restrict someone who you never saw before to join same flight, and that may cause you a lot of trouble and spoil your experience badly.

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2003, 07:52:12 PM »
Pyro mentioned of an evaluation system. Im sure misbehavior won't pay.

  I am well aware it is not 'real life'. However, it is definately one of the situations one might meet in real life.

 Besides, from my experience, with a little awareness about what's going around you, one rarely gets kill shootered. I get KSd and cause KS to others like what, once every 6 months? I consider myself as very average guy normally fighting in very average situation amongst other very average guys. Unless something's drastically different about your situation, or there's some reason to believe you are going to seriously suffer from lack of KS, you're being too worrisome.

Offline honda346

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The SimHQ interview
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2003, 02:36:44 AM »
"Stay aware of your friendlies..."
I agree with this to the point I think friendly "contact" should be turned on not just gun fire.  It completely changes how you fly when you have to worry about running into friendly aircraft... Just go try IL2-FB online and you'll soon see that you plan your approach and line up your shooting much more tentatively...not to mention landing, etc.  Much more realistic and not in a bad way IMO.

Offline Tilt

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The SimHQ interview
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2003, 05:17:10 AM »
Originally posted by Fariz
I see 2 problems with this:  

I think the loss of rank due to death by freindly fire could easily be negated............even now logs record the country of the shooter.

re court marshalls.......I would be suprised if they were not simply automated penalties........

re accidentally shooting a freindly due to his incompetance............. it would be rare and it would be  a part of std SA....... however even then I rem AW's early PNG status........

Here after 3 such incidents within a given period a player lost all ammunition for a day...........usually having to resort to support of fellow players by flying goons.   The point being that the first offence could be ignored re court marshall (player given a warning) and the 2nd if shortly follows would incurr full penalty.
Ludere Vincere

Offline Batz

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The SimHQ interview
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2003, 05:37:34 AM »
Even the numbers HT posted early on as an hypothical showed he had no plan to make 1 death a cause to loose rank.

His example numbers (which maybe a clue to where his mind is at) showed you would need 5 straight deaths with out a kill to go back in rank.

If you keep getting killed by friendlies then most likely its your fault.

This all goes to SA and learning to play as a unit. Most ks incidents result from 50 guys chasing and spraying after 1 guy.

SA is much harder to maintain in the main. Knowing your roll in any engagement  will be key to keeping your self out of the gun fire of your team mates. Understanding when you have position and communicating with your team mates will keep you from accidentally shooting them or getting shot.

The KS works now is that if you shoot a friendly you recieve all the damage localized in spot on your plane.

When ks is off the odds of dieing to a few pings will be low. But keep shooting after that you deserve a court martial.

You most likely wont end up in 50 man fight to the death furballs like in the main.

Position, SA and common sense will be enough to keep you from being fragged.

Now is some idiot wants go through training up 5 times and team kill some one he goes back to training, you will know who he is and you choose whether to fly with him.

I am not sure who this rating system will work and dont think ht can set the arena up with out squads. I dont what he means when he said the current squad format wont be a part of ToD. I dont think that would mean no squads at all. I wouldnt bother flying there. All I care to do is fly with my squadmates for the most part. But I would like a way to get rid of disruptive folks.

Most of us have played fps games where one guy will scream on vox and make noises. We could get one those 100 check six tards etc. I would be all for getting rid of these types either by vote or by .eject.

You guys take any little tid bit of info and run to its extreme.

Ofcourse there lotsa questions outstanding but geesh...

Take a wait and see :)

as example do you of play il2? I play most on full real. No icons, no clipboard gps, no radar no ks, friendly collisons etc. I have never killed a friendly or been killed by 1.

The 1 incident I remember is AG and I were in a fight. A friendly 262 came in and killed AG. But that guy was new and apologized.

I did get shot down by my ai wingman though and another time I collided with ai.

Offline SLCR

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The SimHQ interview
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2003, 02:22:53 PM »
The Generals will be coming out from under every rock.

In reality you flew with same people during many training and battle sorties, here you can't restrict someone who you never saw before to join same flight, and that may cause you a lot of trouble and spoil your experience badly.

This is why I hope they impliment squads being able to run missions.  Fly with those your more fimiliar with instead of some KS newbie.


Offline acepilot2

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« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2003, 07:21:32 PM »
It would be smart to make some sort of training newbies have to passed before they can actually start flying real missions.  I was thinking that maybe it can be an AI mission not really involving real trainers.  Newbs can practice or complete this training offline.  Therefore, when they enter TOD, then they wont shoot everyone down.  It has happened before that some idiot newb didnt know that green labels are friendlies and red is the enemy, and therefore starting shooting me and shot himself down.  I did not read all of the above posts, so i dont know if this has already been mentioned.