These three frames were extremely close. The Axis had a much greater opportunity to destroy objects in the first frame. While I favored the Allies for the number of objects in the 2nd frame. For the final frame I gave the Allies a much greater opportunity for objects as you can see in the results. If you were to judge a frame by the objects destroyed it can be very deceiving because some sides have a greater occasion to destroy objects than the other so don’t consider this unless you know the targets.
I have heard that both sides had missions that were unsuccessful, but by far the majority on both sides had successful missions where their objectives were completed. I would say about 70% to 80% each side each frame.
The losses for both sides were high (yet always close) and if this was an event with a moving front we would have seen some Allied advances toward the Rhine, but always at a cost and always slow. Apart from the fubar in the first frame where none of the trains or truck convoys were running it went well. One final note the Axis only lost one Me-262 in the three frames. Well done!
Hope you all enjoyed it.
Frame 1Allies106 Pilots
58% loss
91 objects destroyed
Axis108 Pilots
61% loss
144 objects destroyed
Frame 2Allies106 Pilots
58% loss
70 objects destroyed
Axis99 Pilots
60% loss
21 objects destroyed
Frame 3Allies 94 Pilots
57.4% loss
49 objects destroyed
Axis106 Pilots
53.7% loss
7 objects destroyed
Comments welcome.