Everyone knows this, Fork. Paid accounts, free time sacrificed. But there's still some responsibility that goes along with the authority.
All of us pay to play. Many of us sacrifice free time to one degree or another for our squadies, friends or even the entire community. When the keys to an arena are handed over by HT and co.,however, I'm sure there is a trust involved.
A trust that the person CM'ing the arena won't allow prejudices of any kind color their decisions.
A trust that the person CM'ing won't make rash decisions that only take a small part of the picture into consideration without endevouring to see if there are wider-ranging consequences.
A trust that personal goals and agendas will be set aside in deference to the goal of maintaining a scenario atmosphere that is enjoyable for both sides.
Basically, a trust that the CM won't use the arena as their own personal sandbox. Because when that happens it hurts the CT and it hurts the game.
I'm not saying CMs aren't human or that CMs can't afford to make mistakes. I'm saying that either ignoring recurring requests from players or showing deference to a select group, time and again, even if the CM believes in their heart that they are right and everyone else is wrong ... is a bad trait/habit that HTC can't afford - even when the CM is paying to play and sacrificing his free time to make sure "everyone" enjoys the CT.
*ShruG* Just sayin'.
Originally posted by Mister Fork
Of course, the question is, seeing how we're all volunteers here, (Brady, Sabre, Jarbo and myself), and we ARE doing this on our own FREE time, it's hard enought to do a setup with limited plane sets but at the same time trying to make it interesting and fair. Cut Brady some slack.