Author Topic: NEWS!  (Read 148 times)

Offline moose

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« on: November 19, 2001, 11:26:00 AM »

Offline Chaos68

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« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2001, 11:34:00 AM »
..|.. (0o) ..|..

Offline mason22

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« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2001, 11:34:00 AM »
cool beans....

my question is, will the voice comms lockup AH for a few seconds when changing IP#'s?

that's the only real beef i've ever had using RW.

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2001, 11:39:00 AM »
Coming from a fellow who does a lot of support on the boards and in person... I'm just glad it will be built in.  No more problems with RW and DX 8... no more RW with the spyware bundle.  No more everybody with a different voice chat system.

A very good move.

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2001, 12:04:00 PM »
Agreed Leph, one problem that's always been persistent in our squad is voice comms software and the variation we all have.

Offline K West

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« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2001, 12:39:00 PM »
Will it help with those who fancy themselves as a Tenor?  :)

Offline Rocket

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« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2001, 12:46:00 PM »
  I bet you still end up with a ton of different chat proggies.  Nothing against HTC but Teamsound works great right now with all of my squaddies and sounds better than anything else we have tried.  I am pretty sure unless this sounds as good as TS we will prolly not switch.


Offline Revvin

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« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2001, 12:47:00 PM »
Excellent news! it's always been a pain in the bellybutton trying to find the best comms to suit everyone in a squad now at least we'll all be using the same stuff.