Author Topic: New Iraqi cities  (Read 193 times)

Offline Sixpence

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New Iraqi cities
« on: April 13, 2003, 01:55:49 AM »
This may have been posted already.

Disclaimer......this is meant to be light hearted, plz don't take it seriously.

 Now that American Aircraft and Military have reorganized Iraq landscape, US intelligence has discovered that the civilians have renamed some of their towns. These new names include:
1. Wherz-Myroof
2. Mykamel-Izded
3. Oshiite-Disisabad
4. Waddi-El-Izgowinon
5. Pleez-Ztopdishiite
6. Kizz-Yerass-Goodbi
7. Ikantstan-Disnomore
8. Wha-Tafuk-Wazi-Tinkin
9. Myturbin-Izburnin
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)