Hello Everyone,
The 68th Lightning Lancers is always looking for new members. We have squad nights on Sunday and Tuesday at 9:00 P.M. EST, Thursday is an informal meeting at 9:30 EST in the dueling arena, here we practice our fighting skills with each other. The more experienced pilots will be glad to teach the newer pilots.
Flying with the Lancers gives you a chance to experience the Aces High game from the perspective of Squad Operations. Working as a team, whether it is in GV's, fighters or bombers, with coordinated attacks and planned strategies make the Aces High game much more than it already is.
Our web page is
http://www.topace.net/68th or anytime you are online and see a call sign beginnig with 68 just introduce yourself and come fly with us. If you like what you see please join we will be happy to have you aboard.
68th Lightning Lancers