The American Airmen in Europe is a somewhat small book, about half the pages of Wild Blue, but is nonetheless a good read and gives good insight into the guys who flew in WWII.
The others are more documentaries, except the Great Book of WWII Airplanes is actually about a select few airplanes with detailed analysis of their development cycle and several anecdotal passages regarding each plane in their respective sections.
It's a good book with terrific pictures and fold outs.
Like Batz said, in Il2 downing planes in a single burst is all about shot placement and also hitting at your convergence range. You can literally saw planes in half with the P40 or P47 if you hit them on a certain spot with a quick burst at your gun's convergence points.
The differences between Il2 and AH are too much to really compare one to the other. AH uses the method of each bullet doing a damage point based on size of round, distance travelled, explosiveness of round and relative durability of the aircraft. Once a certain point is reached, the part falls off. Also, all bullets seem to effect a certain structure in the same manner... so regardless of the two rounds hitting the outer inner wing and 4 rounds hitting the inner part of the inner wing, the damage is culmulative to that part and can result in that part reaching it's maximum damage value and coming off.
In FB it's much the same with having certain steps in between where damage graphics are progressively made to look worse. It also appears that a 20mm hitting the outer side of the inner wing will do damage to that area and the outer wing, and a hit to the inner side of the inner wing will result in damage to the wing root/fuselage and inner wing. So hitting the same area in close proximity twice (or more, depending on the round) will typically result in the part being destroyed.
All in all, FB is fun as hell and there isn't a single thing like it out there. AH is fun as hell and there really isn't a single thing like it out there of the same calibre. (Sure there is WB3.... but........)
Can't go wrong playing and enjoying both.