Author Topic: Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.  (Read 2368 times)

Offline Apache

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Re: Re: Re: Follow up
« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2003, 10:16:26 AM »
Originally posted by rshubert
Sorry about the long delay in responding, I was busy getting shot down.

You can quibble about the numbers, but ditching, bailing, and getting captured would all be career-ending in the real world, and are penalized in perk point awards here.  Twenty times you have gone up and not come back with an airplane.  Them's the facts, jack.

I looked at your stats again, and noticed that you haven't flown a single attack mission this tour.  Only 1 bomber mission (you ditched and didn't bomb anything) and 4 vehicle sorties.  It looks to me like we aren't even playing the same game.  I submit that your stats would look a lot more like a "suicide child's" stats if you flew down into the ack once in a while.  

The robo-ack is absolutely freekin' DEADLY.  P38s are very maneuverable and fast when light, but turn into flying bricks when heavy. The same is true for all the jabos.  A moment's inattention and somebody in a spit is all over you (yes, cdog, I'm talking about you : ).  Let's not even mention that whole compressibility thing!  This stuff ain't that easy.  I would bet, and see from some of the posts about how bored I will become if I continue to attack strat, that you never got very good at it, and decided that it was a losing proposition.  That attitude has been described as one lacking in persistence.  Do you often find yourself becoming frustrated, and "giving up"?  Have you ever been diagnosed as suffering from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?

If you look in the online help for the game under "Aces High Game Play", they list two categories--strategic targets and capturing fields.  No entry for furballing.  The game is designed as a team effort to capture territory and win points.  Is furballing ok?  Heck, yes.  Is bombing ok?  Why, sure.  Should someone spend time in tank town?  Go for it, it's a free virtual community.

Apache, I notice that the first insulting post in this thread came from you.  It is typical for someone on the short end of the facts stick in an argument to take it to a personal level, rather than try to argue the issue.  This is usually followed by accusations of doing just that against the other parties when they react to the combative language.  I hear nothing from you except "you shouldn't do that because I don't like it".  Those that are on my side of this discussion are putting forward an argument that we are within our rights to play the game the way we want to, and trying to present you with facts to back it up.  I say again, GET THEE HENCE UNTO THE DUELLING GROUNDS if you don't like the way things work in the MA.  Those of us that DO like the way things work in the MA will miss you, but we'll get over it.

Let me begin my response with are correct. I began the personal attack. My apologies.

Thanks for making my point in your 20 (where are you getting that number) sorties comment.

No, I haven't flown any attack missions, however, you don't know my history here or in WB. I used to attack/jabo alot. Was pretty good at it too. One of the best attack squads in this game is the VMF323 Death Rattlers, CO Ripsnort. He started that squad with a pretty good XO...wonder who that was?

I will NOT go to the DA. I will not allow this gamey crap to take AH from me. Don't misunderstand my position. If you want to do attack sorties, I'm all for it. Field attacks promote fights IMO, thats what the "strat" model was put in for. What is total BS is the aforementioned (no it's not you) individual and his ilk who are ruining this game, which used to be about AtoA combat and the competition it provided.

Besides, fighting 3 or 4, ala the DA isn't my cup of tea. Dukeing it out in a cloud of bandits is more to my likeing.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2003, 10:33:57 AM by Apache »

Offline lazs2

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2003, 10:18:20 AM »
well... we understand each other... we both want to have fun in the game.   We are both advocating ways that we have a way to do so.   I am not saying that you can't kill buildings... I am just saying that if you want to affect my fun by doing so then you should have to work harder at it... Truth is... that is the way that it will probly go... everyone is sick of the suicide dweeb... it is a bug right now... it will be modified so that it is not so easy or so that it has less effect.  go ahead and lobby for an A bomb tho... maybe you will get it.

I don't think some of you get it..  it is NO FUN to stop jabos... who wants the boring job of killing these talentless dweebs?  I did it for a few days... I got into tempests and yaks and 51b's and went up and after the high alt jabo and suicide dweebs and furball edge hangers..

It wansn't any fun... it took forever to get up there and when I did get to them... they died so easily that the worst furball I have ever been in had guys with at least twice the talent in it.  Most just ran the second they realized that they no longer had an overwhelming advantage.... they died running but... it took half a sector... boring as hell.  

A guy could lose his edge wasting his time with these guys.

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Offline Apache

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Re: Re: Re: Can you say "duelling arena"??
« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2003, 10:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by Otter
Spelling yours?

Converstation over your head? This debate isn't English 101. Take a hop on over to the NEA sites. I'm sure you might find what you're (that better?) looking for.

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Re: Re: Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2003, 10:41:51 AM »
Originally posted by Montezuma
Looks like you are the suicide dweeb.  

Why aren't you trying harder to live by being a bail-out dweeb?

You should think before you type. Your first sentence contradicts the second.

Offline Cdog

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #49 on: May 25, 2003, 11:21:32 AM »
Just out of curiosity I decided to grade the postings of this thread :

Note: these rankings are based on a scale of  0 to 10 {10 being the highest, of course} and in actuality have no real meaning in this virtual thread.....

1. WITTY RESPONSES                 9.7
2. USE OF STATISTICS                7.0                      
3. ARTISTIC FLAIR                       8.9                      
4. SPELLING                               10                        
5. PUNCTUATION                        9.6                        
6. LAG                                         8.0                        
7. CONTENT                                8.3                        
8. DISMOUNT                              9.4  

                                TOTAL        70.9                    


1. WITTY RESPONSES                 8.0  
2. USE OF STATISTICS                9.3
3. ARTISTIC FLAIR                       5.4
4. SPELLING                               10
5. PUNCTUATION                        8.5
6. LAG                                        8.0
7. CONTENT                               7.9
8. DISMOUNT                             9.0
                               TOTAL         66.1 appears that Shubie is leading after the first 8 rounds.

Offline vorticon

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2003, 11:41:14 AM »
Originally posted by Tumor
Easily said from a self-proclaimed suicide dweeb.

Whether a furballdork or a Stratdork... at least they each have valid arguments.  Proclaiming yourself a "suicide dweeb" and being proud of it is nothing more than plain and simple stupidity.  "Suicide dweebs" do one thing.. take quality away from the game.  HTC has in the past made a few minor changes to stop the "suicide dweeb" idiocy... however they, as long as the price for AH stays low, will always figure out how to muck up the game and go about it laughing and clapping like a bunch of mindless retards.  There's nothing like having $15 bucks to burn on screwing a large majority of others gameplay is there?  Well, if thats what rocks your boat.. more power too ya.  We all know you'll be long gone years after the rest of us (who as a matter of fact probably despise each other much more than you'll ever be able to comprehend) will still be arguing and bickering over real "simulation" issues.

Rock on knucklhead, keep killin yourself in the name of "ME".

how do the "suicide dweebs" ruin gameplay for others...there simply following the objective of the game in the most effective way possible...trash the base you want so they cant defend then remove the town then roll in the c47...yeah sure it could work faster with a heavy bomber but since there so slow and the only 1 that makes the time put into it worth it is the lancaster there just gonna use fighters

the most effective way to stop it would be to either

a: reduce power of rockets and get all you historicly accurate people mad


b: have skuzzy spend all of 5 seconds changing the hardness of fuel,hangers, etc...

of course the term suicide dweeb could be used to define a furballer...going into a fight against impossible odds KNOWING they will die but at least they'll kill a few guys with it...

the word dweeb is over used...and frankly its getting as pathetic as people calling themselves "1337 h4}{()R |)()()|)$"

Offline Sikboy

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Re: Re: Re: Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #51 on: May 25, 2003, 12:15:27 PM »
Originally posted by Apache
You should think before you type. Your first sentence contradicts the second.

I guess it all depends on how you define "death" now doesn't it?

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Online nopoop

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #52 on: May 25, 2003, 12:31:32 PM »
There are good jabo pilots here. You rarely see them.

They'll come in from above make their run, blow up there target and do one of two things. If the action is thick at different altitudes they'll pull out on the deck screamin and leave for another load. Or..

If opposition is light or all at low altitude, they'll stay and kill a few keeping the speed up, then put there a/c in a zero G dive...and leave for another load.

That would tend to set ones hair on fire. I'm a big fan of that..

Good jabo pilots are frustrating, my hat's off to them.

But what you see the vast majority of times is the dive for the first drop, the reverse for the second, the reverse for the third and be taken apart by seven or eight or face plant..

Or a face plant on the first pass ( most of the time )

I would think there would be an effort to improve. But hey, what do I know.

It just may be being able to say over vox, "I took out blah blah AND blah" to his countrymen while his face is firmly planted in terra firma..

His contribution to the "greater" good of the war, HIS COUNTRY !!

It's a problem. Hi Tech had a thread a few months back asking for suggestions on how to manage it. Good thread, good responses.

If Hi Tech is asking, I have no doubt some sort of solution to the suicide dweeb is in the works.

What a shame, taking away a suicide dweebs fun...

Where's the justice in it I ask ??
« Last Edit: May 25, 2003, 12:37:14 PM by nopoop »

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline beet1e

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2003, 12:34:10 PM »
Apache - I completely agree with something you said earlier - to such an extent that I've put it in my sig!  Now would you be so kind as to explain this thing to Lazs and Nopoop. :)

Online nopoop

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #54 on: May 25, 2003, 12:39:40 PM »
Gee Beet1e you went and hurt my feelings..

Do you disagree with my thoughts on this subject ?? Pretty even handed if I do say myself.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline beet1e

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #55 on: May 25, 2003, 12:50:54 PM »
Nopoop!!! Come towards the light. And bring Lazs with you. :D

Offline Tumor

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #56 on: May 25, 2003, 01:42:40 PM »
Originally posted by vorticon
how do the "suicide dweebs" ruin gameplay for others...

Easy.. this is a "flight sim".  If you don't get it by now, you never will.  It's not about historical accuracy, it's about various forms of combat simulation.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Montezuma

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Re: Re: Re: Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #57 on: May 25, 2003, 01:53:35 PM »
Originally posted by Apache
You should think before you type. Your first sentence contradicts the second.

No, you're stuck being a dweeb either way if you start threads like this.

Offline Hyrax81st

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« Reply #58 on: May 25, 2003, 02:12:46 PM »
As a JABO and troop carrier type, I have to admit that I am just not as good an ACM fighter jock as I would like to be. Sometimes I do it for base defense - rarely, for an extended fighter sweep. Since I belong to a squad, we tend to work together quite a bit on the strategic part of the game which means - winning the reset, which means - taking bases.

I don't intentionally suicide planes when JABOing but the fact is, I get shot down quite a bit by "elite" pilots who are flying Spit 5's and La7's to protect their base. I don't fault them for this, they are trying to defend their AF after all and they are using their favorite tool to do so. I will also point out that good squads require a lot of discipline to ignore easy shots at lumbering enemy fighters when coming in for JABO runs. The mission is uttermost when flying with a squad and there is, really, nothing more satisfying than killing all FH's and VH in one pass on a large base (unless it's sinking the entire enemy TG in one pass).

I notice that players from all 3 countries can often be found flying in large groups to enemy AF's and doing nothing but vulching - no bombs, no town attacks.... just running up vulch  scores on planes taking off. Nothing drives a strat-oriented squad crazy faster than seeing a bunch of point-who#es fly all that way to a base to do nothing more than club baby seals. Some fellow countrymen have even complained about having their "vulch" base shut down --- LOL !!

It would be really interesting to have a fair and full accounting of how ACM fighter jocks actually arrive at their scores. Part of it can be revealed by which planes they fly the most - but the other part about whether they are flying against co-E opponents vs. strafing runways with a large supporting team is the part we can't seem to determine through the "stats".

That being said, maybe it would be nice to have a non-reset-oriented arena where pilots just fly fighter sweeps.... but there is still a problem there. What about wingman tactics and just plain old unequal numbers getting in the way of "pure" combat... DOH ! we've come full circle again. Is there really any good way to measure the greatness of any individual pilot except in 1 vs 1 duels or King of the Hill FFA's ? I guess not...

I guess that's why HiTech has already provided a dueling arena and a King of the Hill contest separate from the MA.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2003, 02:15:55 PM by Hyrax81st »

Offline Apache

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #59 on: May 25, 2003, 03:30:11 PM »
Originally posted by Montezuma
No, you're stuck being a dweeb either way if you start threads like this.

You forgot to end you post with "nanny nanny boo boo".