first, thanks for the efforts!
add WB3: one and a half year.
i dont like to use the 8 way hat for 8 ways, because imho its not comfortable to do the diagonal ones.
i look to the left down. i see...hmm....half of the window and the left cockpit, dont remember exactly. with the ministick i can look up and forward. but not to the right, because stick movement ends there (yes, its calibrated right).
i know its faster to go instant. and i do in WB. instant front, left, right, back. but for fine adjustments i use the pan. because i have no deadspots. if i have to use 3 hats to look around i often hit the wrong one, look in the wrong direction and loose sight.
what would be nice is to control the pan with the upper 4 way hat on the throttle, while still have a snap view to the left,right,front,back with the 4 way stick hat.
makes following a con with the eyes more comfortable.
and having the head not jump back to the fron on release, makes things like searching for incoming low JUs or stuff way easier
but i quit WW2OL already because i couldnt setup the view/hats like in WB.
best regards
II./JG3 'Udet'