Hmmm, It looks like a Big map:)
Right now we have a good selection of map's, but we always nead new map's, and we nead some maps's for specific theater's added to fill holes we have, Western Europe is well covered, Centrail Europe is well covered, and Scandaniva is well covered, North Africa is well covered, And we have some good PAC map's. What we nead are:
New Gunnie( being considered by ASW as a prodject now)
A Face lift for the Sicaly Italy Map.
China, Manchuria,or Centrail or Southern China.
Singapore,The Dutch East Indies
The Philipines redone or a new map.
Any Pacific magore Island grope not covered,The Marshels for example.
French Moraco, Operaton Torch.
Murmansk( being done right now)
The crimiea(Sundog's Black sea map's are I beleave being redone.)
I could go on but that enough for now:)