There are those who want the instant bogey dope and a laser rangefinder so they can use the heavy firepower of a limited production monster to make kills at ranges that would earn them a court IRL, Then there are those who have limited time, just want to log on and relax by blowing people up in twisty turny knifefights over the most congested airspace around,and then there are those who want to fly as close to real life as a computer will allow, to recreate the history behind the conflict.
Ya know what? They're all right, disagree on what elements are needed in the game, but don't claim the other guy's got it all wrong, or that you are the majority, ya speak for yourself, period, and you want what you want outta AH, period. I'd like a helluva lot more realism myself, But HTC has to go with what is more marketable, and what falls into accordance with their own philosophy about the game they create, and they're right too. In short, some things might change, some might not, but stop trying to beat each other up verbally, It took years for the WB community to devolve into this kinda bickering and disagreement based upon who posted the opinion, well,well, second time around, guess we just hadda do it faster huh? Quit picking at the scab, let it heal, go out and spend a tour flying the Zeke, or if you already fly the challenge-birds, go catch a ride in one of the certified deathmachines, step outside yourself a bit, and see if ya really need to get so hot about it.
pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"