Author Topic: Deaths  (Read 535 times)

Offline aac

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« on: June 30, 2003, 01:09:39 PM »
Can anyone explain to me why the deaths listed on the stats page and the ones on the score page don't agree.

On the player stats it shows how many deaths you have and in what plane or vehicle.  This number is always considerbly lower then the number of deaths shown on the score page.

For instance my stat show I died 197 times and then shows how, but on the score page it shows 209 deaths.

Now my question is this where did the 12 unaccounted for deaths come from.  I don't fly formations in the bombers so that can't be it.

 I have been wondering about this for some time so I have kept a record for this month everytime I got killed and my record is only 195 so I may have missed marking down 2 tick marks.

Offline devious

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« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2003, 01:19:08 PM »
I guess the kill stats only show deaths in which "XY shot you down", whereas the score page shows every "You have been killed"

Offline aac

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« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2003, 01:36:11 PM »
Well that can't be it because the stat show planes/veh died in.

The number of died in adds up to total number of deaths, which is only 2 off of my tally score I am keeping.  Wheither I crashed or x/y shot you down I put a mark down if I died.

Still wondering.

Offline LLv34_Snefens

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« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2003, 05:36:38 PM »
Devious got it right.

The stats pages only record a death for you in the plane you fly, if someone actually gets credited the kill.

Say you head-on a plane, and collide with him. If he dies first and noone is close enough to get a proximity kill on you, you will only get recorded one death on the score page. It will not show up as a death on the stats page for whatever plane you were flying.
If you crash into the tower on take off and noone gets the kill, same deal. Death recorded on score, not on stat.

Score page shows all deaths (bails, captures etc.).
Stats page only shows deaths where someone got the kill.

PS: To make things a bit more confusing. Score pages don't record kills when you score a kill outside your "catagory". So killing ground vehicles in fighter-mode don't show up on score. Neither does killing ground vehicles in bomber-mode.
On the other hand stats pages record all you kills, no matter what you choose to score it as.
Snefens, Lentolaivue 34.
Location: Aarhus, Denmark

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Offline aac

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« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2003, 08:25:48 AM »
Ok for further mistification of your mind last night I only had one death in an LA7 was a collison with a spit fire and it recorded it on the stat page and on the score page.  I know about the kills and such what I am trying to find out why you can so to be killed more on the score page than on the stats page which accounts for every death by plane, vehicle, gunner, or ships gunner.

Every thing in Aces High is covered on the stats page.

Offline LLv34_Snefens

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« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2003, 11:00:21 AM »
Your confusion seems to come from your belief that everything is covered on the stats page. It is NOT. That was what I was trying to explain in the last post.

From my last post it can be drawn that regarding kills the stats are always showing equal or higher numbers than score page.
For deaths it is opposite. Here there will be more on the score page.

As for your collision, there is nothing strange about it. If the spit (or anyone else) got the kill for you when you collided it would be put on the stats page as a death in a La7.
Snefens, Lentolaivue 34.
Location: Aarhus, Denmark

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Offline Grimm

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« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2003, 11:43:07 AM »
Perk Death!      Im against getting shot down.  

::someone whispers in ear::

Oh sorry...  off topic   ;)

Offline zroostr

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« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2003, 12:33:25 PM »
I got one about stats. Whats a disco? Says I got one but I dont even know what it is. :confused:

Offline devious

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« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2003, 12:35:45 PM »
Disco = Network DISCOnnect, "Host connection lost".

Had 3 today (damn the damn telekom , one with 8 kills under my belt RTBing.

Offline zroostr

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« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2003, 12:56:25 PM »
Originally posted by devious
Disco = Network DISCOnnect, "Host connection lost".

Had 3 today (damn the damn telekom , one with 8 kills under my belt RTBing.


Ok then I dont want anymore of those. ;)

Offline aac

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« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2003, 12:58:27 PM »
Yes LLV34 that is why I am confused, the stats page is always less than the score page on deaths.  Now how can the stats page which is supposed to show every death broken out by the individual plane, vehicle, etc be less than the score page.  I know how the kills can be more because of proxy kils etc. But I still can't grasp how if the stats page shows you have died only say 100 times and breaks down these deaths by type, I can not see how the score page can say " No you have died 112 times".  Where can 12 more deaths come from if you haven't died in a plane or vehicle etc.

Offline LLv34_Snefens

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« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2003, 06:27:17 PM »
Again, who says it's suppose to show every death?
It doesn't show deaths where you died and noone was awarded the kill. If it did you would see more deaths than kills in the stats, but looking at tour 41 the stats say:

"All planes have 544369 kills and have been killed 544369 times."

Sure, you can break this down into individual planes and vehicles, but adding them up, they always equal up to the same. Now if stats showed every death, the second number would be higher, since SOME planes are bound to crash by accidents, but them being the same, it must mean that it only counts in the stats when the system counts a kill, not when a player crashes on his own. That way one can't increase without the other.

You can't compare the score and stats directly, because score counts all your deaths (killed, captured, bailed), while stats only count the number of kills made on you.

I don't know how else to explain it. It may not be ideal (I would have preferred the stats to be counting everything as well), but it is consistant when you know how it works.
Snefens, Lentolaivue 34.
Location: Aarhus, Denmark

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Offline Widewing

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« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2003, 06:39:15 PM »
Devious is correct. Only kills attributed to another player show up on the Stat page. Augers, ack deaths and like do not get recorded in the Stats. They do, however, show up on the score page.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline KBall

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« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2003, 10:44:38 PM »
I've found that if your plane gets damaged and you bail successfully and live the "Stats" page counts this as a death. While no death will be recorded in the "Scores" page.