Author Topic: Whaat?  (Read 1755 times)

Offline kesolei

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« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2003, 03:18:43 PM »
*considers* You are entitled to your own views on what I've said. Lemme try this one more time.

If it hadn't been the yak that was taken out, I still would have made a similar post asking why the plane was taken out.

From what it looked like when I made the first post, the plane had been removed due to people's whinning. You guys have straightened me out, and Brady backed it, that the Yak9u didn't belong anyway. I chose a bad case to make my point with, I can see that now.


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« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2003, 06:45:58 PM »
Nope Kesloi you are being dishonest again, you didnt say a peep about the P51B that was also whined out of this setup.

I hope you understand the problem created by your obvious skirting around the fact that you are pissed your favorite airplane was nixed from the setup. Otherwise why didnt you mention the P51B?

And you cant say you didnt notice the P51B was nixed because that would imply you did not care about it enough to notice - which likewise would imply you did care to notice the yak9u was removed. Again this is something you have been inconsitent about and now deny.

You know you would do your credibility a great service by simply addmiting the specific removal of your favorite Yak9U is what caused this post or at least what made the whining issue so dear to you...

At least that would be consiotent with your initial sentiments.

Just look at your inital post, everything is directed at the spacific removal of Yak9U...

Be honest... :)

Offline kanttori

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« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2003, 08:27:12 PM »
Boys, you are Incredible!:D

I considered the plane setup to this map many times with WMaker in November 2002. As Brady said we recommended both Yak-9U and P-51B to Russian plane's setup.

Anyway the main reason to those "Uber" planes was not historical, we simply want that Russe had ALL OVER BETTER PLANES than Finnish. And that was historical! :D


* In summer 1944 the fighter balance was over 1:10 for the benefit of Russian. Finnish planes were commonly worn out old Brewsters, Curtiss Hawks, Morane Saulniers and even Fiat G50's.

* The only present time planes were 109 G2's (about 30 planes Spring 1943) and 109 G6's (about 200 planes Spring/Summer 1944).

* In our front was NEVER Yak-9U's and here were VERY FEW Yak-9T's, too. Most Yaks were model Yak-7!;)

* La-5's were not the better engined FN versions, they were mostly the "basic" LA-5 models.

* Finnish fighter pilots told that they shot down couple of Mustangs and even Spitfires. Propable they have mistaken with plane types: for ex. Spitfire looks very much like Yak. Research Officers has any information of those planes in Finnish Front.

* Russe had also many Bell Airacobra, MiG-3 and LaGG-3 fighters in Finnish front during The Continuation war 1941-1944.


After about half year CT-experience wit FinRus I have noticed that Brady's first setup is the most succesful in this map. Russian have however "Uber" versions of Yaks and La-5's. And Finland have Uber Brewster (FM2).

I am still missing Airacobra, MiG-3 and LaGG-3 to Russians. And Brewster to Finnish... and Curtiss Hawk... and even Morane Saulnier. ;)
Lentorykmentti 3 - Finnish Aces High Virtual Flight Regiment

Offline kesolei

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« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2003, 10:49:03 AM »
Grunherz, Grunherz... Grunherz.

You insist on calling me a liar and dishonest- YET. I would like proof that you know exactly what was going through my mind when I made the post.

As I've stated before. My first post was written late night after a very long 3 days. I didn't say what I'd intended to say very well. Look at the /rest/ of my posts. You, sir, seem to be a broken record stuck on the same single thing.

No, I did not notice the p51s had indeed been taken out until a few hours later. Why? Because I didn't jump on to fly a p51. The mere fact that I fly the yaks more often led me to notice the 9u was actually gone first.

I dunno, that makes a certain amount of sense to me; eh?

Now, if you insist on taking my 'credability' to task here- I'm done. I know I'm not lying, and I'm sure a fair number of other people got and understood my point so I see no reason to keep defending myself.

Offline daddog

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« Reply #49 on: June 17, 2003, 10:56:48 AM »
Beating a dead horse here guys. Time to move on.
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