Boys, you are Incredible!:D
I considered the plane setup to this map many times with WMaker in November 2002. As Brady said we recommended both Yak-9U and P-51B to Russian plane's setup.
Anyway the main reason to those "Uber" planes was not historical, we simply want that Russe had ALL OVER BETTER PLANES than Finnish. And that was historical!
* In summer 1944 the fighter balance was over 1:10 for the benefit of Russian. Finnish planes were commonly worn out old Brewsters, Curtiss Hawks, Morane Saulniers and even Fiat G50's.
* The only present time planes were 109 G2's (about 30 planes Spring 1943) and 109 G6's (about 200 planes Spring/Summer 1944).
* In our front was NEVER Yak-9U's and here were VERY FEW Yak-9T's, too. Most Yaks were model Yak-7!;)
* La-5's were not the better engined FN versions, they were mostly the "basic" LA-5 models.
* Finnish fighter pilots told that they shot down couple of Mustangs and even Spitfires. Propable they have mistaken with plane types: for ex. Spitfire looks very much like Yak. Research Officers has any information of those planes in Finnish Front.
* Russe had also many Bell Airacobra, MiG-3 and LaGG-3 fighters in Finnish front during The Continuation war 1941-1944.
After about half year CT-experience wit FinRus I have noticed that Brady's first setup is the most succesful in this map. Russian have however "Uber" versions of Yaks and La-5's. And Finland have Uber Brewster (FM2).
I am still missing Airacobra, MiG-3 and LaGG-3 to Russians. And Brewster to Finnish... and Curtiss Hawk... and even Morane Saulnier.