Author Topic: Aces High - General Impression  (Read 99 times)

Offline Phantom121

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Aces High - General Impression
« on: November 15, 1999, 12:09:00 PM »
WOW.  Smooth online play with very little warping.  FM could be argued forever, but planes are very diferent, match pretty well to their historical strenghts(and weaknesses) and require different skills to master.  Have read a lot of the comments made here in the forum and they are a lot more positive than most forums. Game play is so engrossing it probably should be outlawed. Hey, it has taken over my game play - been playing for less tha a week and I have more than 40 hours already. We will probably have AH Anonimous before long.  This is the first game I would even consider paying monthly for.  Read with amusement some of the heated discussion about padlock and view management tools.  And the discussion about the "Uber" Spitfire and the "mediocre" 190/109 (take your pick).  Heck none of us qualify as experts but what I have read says that in a turn fight the Spitfire was overall one of the best ever.  German Aces to a man say that they never, never, NEVER, get into a turn fight and sneared at the Brits for doing so.  For me at least, it seems pretty well modelled and well thought out.  As for up the realis, turn off labels on enemy fighters completely.  I only say leave them on for friendlies as concession to the fact that we are allowed to fly any type plane and profile recognition is of no help.  This would allow for even more surprize tahn is now possible and is historically more accurate.  The vast majority of planes shot down never even saw their attacker.  WWII air combat was not fair, or nice. It was brutal, savage, and unforgiving. The only other addition that would really be nice would be multiple joins to bombers so you could have a full crew.  Well this is way too long, so I will sum it up in 3 words -


Offline Pongo

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Aces High - General Impression
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 1999, 01:31:00 PM »
I agree turn of id(alltogether i would say)
If you want to know who a friendly is put a map click interface in.
I would like to see home area radar work like friendly radar works. In your home vally you can see the near exact location of enemy aircraft. This is the real use of radar. Then you could have chaff etc. I would also like to see low level planes not show up on radar.
Other then that the major change I would like to see is to reset a players score when they die....
When a player dies have the server send them an email sumerising there accomplishments with that life. And then they are off the list.
Kills to death ratio is silly. the first deaths decided how many kills you got.

But I agree this is an excellent game and the quality of the best pilots really stands out. I would imagine that this is going to cost me mucho dunaros at CAN $50 per month..