Author Topic: Repost, but want feedback...  (Read 94 times)


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Repost, but want feedback...
« on: November 15, 1999, 03:59:00 PM »
Personally this is what I'd like to see.
Historical Europe - Large Euro Map of European theatre. Scaled (takes some time to get accross the channel, etc.

Three sides.
- English / American
- German / Italian
- Russian

Planes only available in those respective countries. A P-38 wouldn't be available on the German / Italian side unless the Allies captured one of their bases. There's nothing more detrimental to the emmersive feeling then to see FW vs FW or see a 109 take off next to a B-17.

AI controlled buffs on the English / American side that bombed random targets in Germany and provided targets for those on the German side (more planes in the English / American lineup, gotta balance it somehow). This would make patrols actually kind of interesting. You'd never know where they were heading, you hear a report, and everyone ups to try and take some of them out before they reach target. It also provides the American escorts a chance to play shepard to their flock of buffs, a huge task that really isn't seen in online sims unless it's scenario time and even then, in small numbers. AI buffs also (i assume) require less "intelligence" ... take off, climb, fly to target, bomb, turn around. They don't need to have BFM programmed into them.

Buff streams are VERY important and they havn't been added in any other online sim. It provides the arena pilots a realistic enviornment, still allows them to dogfight (escort vs hunter) and also allows buff pilots to join the formations and contribute.

Targets should be damaged in these raids (and repaired by drones after a certain time).

Also, we need real Flak, not just AAA guns. It's the single most talked about thing by buff pilots in their accounts, it should be in there above major industrial targets and cities.

Historical Pacific - I envision this theatre to be a few large islands (perhaps something like Guadalcanal) with a few small islands (no fields) and MOVING fleets (carrier bases) far away from each other.

Carriers should be VERY difficult to get ANYWHERE near due to the intense flak. Numbers are the only way, there are only so many defensive guns.

Smaller task forced of ships, randomly going about and attackable. Perhaps have Jap and US ships engage in some way?

Stratigic targets are barges (as opposed to the European factory) of supplies and troops.

On request, model strafing and add a LOT of random ships on routes. Targets of opportunity were not scarce in that theatre.

Anyway, that's my dream.

I really only beg two things. Separate the countries and aircraft and add the AI buffs in there. Realism, GO FOR REALISIM!

My 2 cents.

Wolverine [wlvrn]  

33rd Strike Group  

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."