Author Topic: Here's a cool video detailing what goes into building a game's flight model.  (Read 1173 times)

Offline Karnak

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Oh, AH has a lot of room for improvement, but at least it isn't a complete joke.
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Offline Apache

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Originally posted by Gadfly
Yeah, it is a good thing AH is so perfect that it can't be improved.  Oh wait, they are changing the FM in AH, drastically.  Will it be right then, or was it right before the LAST major upgrade?

(Not knocking AH, you understand, but in light of Pyros post in the AHII forum, your AH fanbois comments in this thread are pretty funny)

Well looky here. A WB fanboi coming to the AH BBS in a WWIIOL thread to knock AH. Gotta luv it.

Offline Gadfly

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All sims have room for improvement-it is the nature of the beast.

Offline Gadfly

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I'm a fan of sims-all of them, my friend.

Offline -dead-

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Originally posted by Karnak
The old FM was never current.
I do have to point out, in WW2OL's defence, that it's quite hard to tell the difference between currants and rat turds. ;)
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Offline MoMoney

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I flew in WWII-Online for the first time since being banned from the MA.  The Flight Model was a joke.  Stall and E-bleed are all wrong + who wants to fly early war or French stuff anyway.  Suxs being banned from AH....:confused:

Offline TracerX

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Ok, I have never played an online flight sim other than AH, but I frequently hear the comparisons with other sims.  My perception is therfore that AH is much more realistic than other sims, but after watching this clip, it appears that the WWIIOL flight model is well thought out, logicly constructed, and hardly the afterthought I had perceved it to be.  So my question is, how can the flight model be so different?  Is it the stall characteristics, flaps, gunnery, torque, weight, etc. that makes the difference?  What is it that makes the engagements between the spit/109, or F6F/A6M for example, so much more realistic in AH than another flight sim?

Offline Ack-Ack

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Is WW2OL doing that bad the Tards...err I mean Rats have to send their legions of idiots to our little part of the world and advertise their game at every opportunity?

Of course it doesn't help school is out for the legions of mini-tardlets like ZeroAce, so I guess we can expect more mini-tardlets coming in here on their scabbed up knees praising the works of the Tards...err I mean Rats.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2003, 04:36:32 PM by Ack-Ack »
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Offline Vulcan

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Zeroace you haven't answered my questions:

Do you subscribe to AH?

Do you play both games a lot?

Offline Gadfly

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TracerX-Amazingly enough, every airplane simulator represents the exact same planes differently.  I don't think that any are grossly right or wrong, but since they are indeed simulations, they each use different methods to manipulate the data to achieve the effect.  Real life pilots fly each sim, and even games like FA, and some among them will swear that the one they fly is "realistic".

The best one can hope for is to find one that you like and enjoy it.

Offline Staga

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You boys are acting just like some WB'ers few years ago :)

LOL those threads at AGW sure were funny to read, let's see what happens here :D

Offline Rude

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Originally posted by tracerx
Ok, I have never played an online flight sim other than AH, but I frequently hear the comparisons with other sims.  My perception is therfore that AH is much more realistic than other sims, but after watching this clip, it appears that the WWIIOL flight model is well thought out, logicly constructed, and hardly the afterthought I had perceved it to be.  So my question is, how can the flight model be so different?  Is it the stall characteristics, flaps, gunnery, torque, weight, etc. that makes the difference?  What is it that makes the engagements between the spit/109, or F6F/A6M for example, so much more realistic in AH than another flight sim?

It's the coding babe....who's engine handles the physics best and the grey matter behind the whole process.

I've followed the Head Putz around for years cause he gets it done and fast.

I'm looking at WW2online now....too early to tell if they've fixed things yet.

Offline Maniac

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Aceshigh is an game not an simulator. HTC is changing the flight model AGAIN, this says alot IMHO....
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Offline TracerX

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Head Putz?

wasn't it WW2OL that had the miraculous Helicoptor Bf-110 that you could get to take off straigt up?  I saw a film someone made once that made me deposit the beverage I was drinking all over my monitor.  Now that is a cool flight model!  :rolleyes:

Offline Staga

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Originally posted by Maniac
Aceshigh is an game not an simulator. HTC is changing the flight model AGAIN, this says alot IMHO....

For me that says that company is still developing its products and that's nothing but a good sign.
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