I would suggest going the Abit BH6 motherboard, 64 megs 100mhz Memory, and a Celeron 300a (oc'd to 450) or 450. You can get all that for around $250, and for another $80 or so you can pick up a good TNT2 card.
Add those together and you have what would be a considerable upgrade for you, but at a price much less than a new pc.
Realistically, the 166 to 233 upgrade will not be much cheaper and the performance difference is unbelieveable.
Plus the Abit motherboard is a slot 1 board, that would allow you to upgrade to a PIII at some future time as well, while the 233 is a dead end street.
Just something to consider
WB's: (verm--), *MOL*, Men of Leisure, Goldlandia
AW's: (verm) ACCS, Aerial Crowd Control Services, Cland