Author Topic: Cloud surfers will be recruiting in august  (Read 516 times)

Offline Nilsen

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Cloud surfers will be recruiting in august
« on: July 18, 2003, 03:17:02 PM »
Ill sign up again in august and im looking for players that follows these rules..

1.... no LALA's
2.... no nikis
3.... no spits

Other than that it will be a relaxed squad with no preasure and just flying for fun.

We will also try to use some real war tactics and no dweeby stuff :D

Im not an ace by any means but ill teach you all what i know in my fav ride (JUG) and the bottom line is to have fun and trying to get home with all squaddies in one piece :cool:

So.. if you wanna have fun and try some hard stuff and dont always look for the easy ride or easy way out... just holler and lets have fun.

mail me @
« Last Edit: July 18, 2003, 05:30:39 PM by Nilsen »