Author Topic: Bomber Suggestions  (Read 775 times)

Offline Devourer

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Bomber Suggestions
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2003, 09:35:19 AM »
Wasnt shooting at the cockpit the easiest way to get rid of the big buffs in WW2?

Also, didnt the germans equip thier bomber interceptors with 20 and 30mms just so that thier planes could shoot at and damage bombers from a safe distance where the bomber's gunners did little or no damage to the planes?

Offline muckmaw

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Bomber Suggestions
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2003, 12:25:03 PM »
I remember reading that that was a WWII tactic, used by German pilots...Shoot for the cockpit in a head on.

I think it was that compilation book, "War in the Air" or something.

If I recall there was an excerpt from "The Blonde Knight" where this was mentioned.

Offline Boozer

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Bomber Suggestions
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2003, 07:20:45 AM »
I agree with Muckmaw, bombers are fine the way they are now.

  I think we're at a point where it's close enough whether you give it tiny tweaks one way or the other or not...
   Bombers are survivable and can down 3-5 planes if the interceptors don't know what they're doing..

   Bombers are also vunerable and can be blown away in a single pass by an interceptor who does.
   Good gunners who know what THEY'RE doing also matter.

   I still do high alt buff runs (18-25k) and also intercept high alt buff runs and my experiences say it's balanced from both sides.

   Of course I consider myself a good gunner (someday I'll manage a 2:1 k/d in 17 formations) and my best flights are where an excellent FW interceptor will play tag with me above 18k, tension and immersion really come into play when I see him setting up a deadly pass and the outcome is never certain. Good interceptors vs good gunners make the buffing game excellent these days.

Offline Boozer

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Bomber Suggestions
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2003, 07:21:39 AM »
oops, double post
« Last Edit: August 01, 2003, 07:53:40 AM by Boozer »