Author Topic: Cactus Air Force Recruiting  (Read 531 times)

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Cactus Air Force Recruiting
« on: July 22, 2003, 11:24:34 PM »

9 years old and going strong! The Cactus Air Force is (to steal a line from The Corps) "a few good men". For more information on "The CAF" one of the oldest and established squads around, visit:

CAF Recruiting Officer
"Let them hate; so long as they fear."

Offline stink

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Cactus Air Force Recruiting
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2003, 10:22:11 AM »
Good grief,,is that a picture of you ODD? Ugly cuss,,lol.
Oh, and btw,,you should open up to recruiting women too. Add some spice to your squad and ya gotta admit,,I'm not a bad wing on a good day.

Airmageddon XO

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Cactus Air Force Recruiting
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2003, 05:12:09 PM »
Hiya Stink!! Why, I'll have you know, The CAF has one of the flight sim communties first women still on its roster; "Deathbunny".
"DB" as she's also known is the wife of "Sturmer" who co-founded the CAF with "Soup" (4510 of JG27) and was our first Commanding Officer. We're ALWAYS on the lookout for womenz.
  Both Deathbunny and Sturmer are "retired" these days and no longer fly, but Soup still does when he's got the time. Soup formed up JG27 when he was still on active duty in the Army and found himself stationed in Germany and unable to do organized hops with The CAF due to the time differences.
  Great to "see" you in here. Due to time constraints it's rare I hit the AH boards, but seeing your text here is a pleasant surprise. :)
Be well, and keep smilin'; and you can wing with me anytime. Hell, you're twice the pile-it I am. You'd be doing me a favor by babysittin' me.
 My best, Oddball

PS: No, that's not a pic of me, though the lad as dashing and handsome as he is DOES bear a rather striking resemblance. Hehehehehe.
  Those ribbons he's sporting are some of the creations I've come up with since becoming the assistant web weenie for The CAF. I think I've got four at this point; and I'll NEVER get to what that fellow's wearin'! ;)
Cactus Air Force