**** you poopers.
Here's a few more to add to your collection:
- Yeah, but they get real ****ty gas mileage.
- Big Blocks aren't practical.
- Who needs all that horsepower anyways?
Basically, trying to establish that anything less will hold its own against it is pretty foolish. Think of them as the killer whales of the automotive industry. They're simply at the top of their food chain.
Me... I drive a mini. I just don't go around trying to compare it to all the cars out there that will simply kick its bellybutton in most aspects. But then, I'll be the first to admit I wasn't looking for an ass-kicker when I bought the car. I was looking for fun, stylish and good gas mileage. My car will out perform Laz's El Camino in precisely 2 categories. You get my car out on any track vs most big blocks and, just like most other euro/japanese cars, the big block will simply drive right over the top of me. You're only hope is that you could make up the time while he refuels.