A little story.
Had a con on radar headin toward the field I lifted off from; so I headed on back to the field to see what it wuz. T'was a pony; commin in over a2 at 15k. I was at 20k; with cloudeck between us.
I snapped on the dar; and minmised the scale on the dispay; and stayed above the clouds. On the dar; the contact reverses course while obscured by the clouds so's I swing around behind him using the dar and wait for him to pop up...
There he is; A p51; D2 in front and below; perfect setup, popping thu the clouddeck below at the top of his zoom... no doubt lookin to pop up behind me.
WHAM WHAM WHAM.. he's Toast, mebbe 5 seconds after he came thru the cloud.
The pony driver was shocked, to say the least...
Jonseses>> Hangtime; how'd you see me thru cloud??
Hangtime>> Radar.
Joneses>> Well; that was cheap.
Hangtime>> Thanks.
Oh well.. SA is part of flyin.. and lack of it get you dying. Stayin alive often has to do with how well you maintain your SA, and how aware of and how much you use
The Tools at your disposal. Like friendly ack installations; friendly planes; terrain, clouds, radar, RW and the text buffer.
If you follow a guy into his countrymates guns or his countrys ground defenses, well; guess what? This is a SA fopah... and you will likely die.
If you lurk over an enemy field below cloud cover hopin to bounce some shmo takin off.. guess what? This ia also a SA fopah...