Author Topic: Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post  (Read 285 times)

Offline beet1e

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Poor Dubya...

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It pains me to say this, but George Dubya Bush is not universally popular among British Tories. It pains me, because we go back a long way, me and Dubya. Years ago, when he was governor of Texas, I flew out with William Hague on a fact-finder to his lair in Austin. Dubya's buzzard eye alighted on my watch, which was decorated, to my eternal shame, with a picture of Che Guevara. "Gee," he said, or words to that effect, "what's with the wristband?" and he went on to warn me that some folks he knew didn't think highly of Che.

Not everyone can say that their watch has met with the personal disapproval of the most powerful man in the world. I feel it counts as a kind of intimacy. It creates a bond. And it pains me to speak thus of my old buddy and watch-critic Dubya, when I know how grievously the news of his unpopularity will anger my colleague Mark Steyn. I can imagine the explosion in his tar paper shack in New Hampshire, when Steyn reads of the liberal squishes in the British Tory party.

But, alas, it is true. Towards the end of a tumultuous Tory brainstorming session, I asked the audience for a show of hands. There were about 25 who went for Kerry, about 25 for Bush, and the rest were abstentions. Now bear in mind that these findings were for Tory activists, the tough eggs of our great party. Who knows what the great mass of Tory voters thinks, let alone the Tory MPs, traditionally soggier than those who propel them to Westminster?

According to a brilliant analysis in this week's Spectator by George Osborne, the Conservative MP for Tatton, there is rampant Bush-o-phobia at all levels. One Tory MP told Osborne that Bush is "the kind of man who wails at the moon", and several others said that they would prefer Kerry. How can this be? These parties, the Tories and the Republicans, are meant to be as close as Thatcher and Reagan.

When my friend Bruce Anderson, the Tory sage, speaks of the Republicans, he says "we"; though I am frankly not sure how many Republicans would reciprocate this honour. The truth is there is no rule which says that a British Tory must support a Republican presidential candidate; and history is replete with important Tory-Democrat pairings, not least Churchill and Roosevelt.

It is also true that Tories do have some good reasons, at present, for feeling at odds with Bush. There is his protectionism. His tariffs against British steel were monstrous. He even seemed to have something against Chinese bras. His use of agricultural subsidy has been disgraceful, and has lost America the moral high ground in its historic struggle against the CAP. Many Tories were bewildered by the treatment of the Guantanamo Bay captives - a gross and indefensible abuse by a government that was supposed to be preaching habeas corpus and human rights to Iraq.

Not all Tories groove to Dubya's hot-dang prayer-breakfast family- values stuff; and in our mushy-minded Zen Buddhist C of E way, we wonder whether you really need a constitutional amendment to prevent states from making their own minds up about gay marriage. Then we must add, I am afraid, a certain snobbish resistance to his syntax. Like it or not, it makes some people nervous that a man who can topple regimes with a stroke of his pen believes that people "misunderestimate" him, and that Greece is inhabited by the Grecians.

Finally – and this is the most ignoble reason of all – many Tories assuredly resent poor Dubya because he has seemed to be so close to our arch-enemy, Tony Blair. As Osborne points out, it sticks in the craw to hear him endlessly lauding the Labour leader, and saying what a hell of a fellow he is, when not everyone in this country has come to the same conclusion.

And I must confess that I myself almost came to the point, in the past few weeks, of abandoning Dubya, if only on the grounds of protectionism and seeing whether I could bring myself to support John Kerry. A lot of people seemed to admire this tall, dignified combat veteran from Massachusetts, with his Jimmy Hill chin. I started to look up his pronouncements on the internet.

The trouble is that on the issue with the most immediate effect on British jobs – free trade – he is even worse than Bush. He is already babbling against the evils of "outsourcing", and American jobs being "sucked away" to foreign parts. He seems to be against tax cuts, even though Bush's tax cuts have played a big part in encouraging the American growth on which the world depends. He offers no new ideas in the public services and opposes education vouchers.

Bush has at least this merit: that he has cut taxes and had the guts to remove two murderous regimes. He will never be forgiven by those who at some level hate America, simply because she is the most powerful and exuberantly capitalist country on earth; and it does seem incredible that the war on "turr", as Dubya calls it, should have been fought with so little thought as to the aftermath.

And yet if Al Gore – or Kerry – had won the last election, the Taliban would surely still be cutting off people's hands. Saddam would still be monkeying around with the weapons inspectors – to heaven knows what end – and keeping his people in a sadistic tyranny that might have lasted another decade or more. You could also argue, and no doubt the venerated Steyn will do so, that Bush's radical action in Iraq has prompted a welcome softening of the other Middle Eastern hard cases, notably Libya and Syria, and perhaps Iran.

That is the best case for Bush; that, among other things, he liberated Iraq. It is good enough for me, although I admit it probably wouldn't have been good enough for Che.

Offline Dowding

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Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 09:46:23 AM »
The Tories suck and are led by a snivelling vampire of a man who talks funny.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline gofaster

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Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2004, 10:12:04 AM »
hot-dang prayer-breakfast family- values stuff
That's a pretty good catch-phrase.  I'll have to remember it for personal use some time.

Offline Creamo

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Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2004, 10:19:46 AM »
Ah man, I thought this was going to be about a guy that actually received a certified Harvard degree from taking so many "CC" (13th grade, err Community College) and company required HAZMAT courses.

Dash my hopes for a claim to a real education too.

Offline Frogm4n

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Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2004, 10:32:58 AM »
but creamo if you take enough low level CC classes you become a super genis, and worlds best person!

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2004, 11:48:17 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
The Tories suck and are led by a snivelling vampire of a man who talks funny.

You just haven't got over Maggie taking away your coal mine yet and giving you a nice call center it it's place....

Offline Dowding

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Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2004, 12:36:06 AM »
You're wrong Schadenfreude... they also built a supermarket on it. The leap from mining to 'trolley management' is practically non-existant.

War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Pei

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Not all Tories like Bush/Che Guevara wristband - a Ripsnort style post
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2004, 01:11:55 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
The Tories suck and are led by a snivelling vampire of a man who talks funny.


Labour suck and are led by a snivelling vampire of a man who talks funny.

It works equally well.