Author Topic: F4u-1 help  (Read 466 times)

Offline thrila

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F4u-1 help
« on: July 28, 2003, 10:40:45 PM »
i'm flying the f4u-1 in the okinawa scenario so i thought i had better get some flight time in it. It's a nice ride overall.....good speed, fantastic handling at high speed, 6 .50cals. It has it's fair share of disadvantages tho...terrible views, awful climb, even worse acceleration and a nasty stall (had 2 at a very bad time). I've had moderate success...having trouble with my SA though, about half my deaths have been bounces (2 were 262s), shotdown before i noticed them.

I know there area few that love f4u's here, any tips guys?
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."

Offline Arlo

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2003, 11:06:30 PM »
Keep her fast ... 250-300 or so. Keep her somewhat high ... 17-20k or so. Use your rollrate to your advantage ... making good use of barrel rolls in defensive situations and lag displacement turns to aquire solutions on better turning aircraft. Set you gun convergience to somewhere between 500 and 400. You can even "layer" your convergience by setting your inner guns furthest out then your middle guns 25-50 yds closer and your outer guns 25-50 yds closer than your middle guns. This will give you a larger conv circle further out but it will also give you two convergience zones at half the range about the width of your fuselage or so.

Be sure to set your views for maximum visability before you take off. Move as far over as you can ... raise or lower the perspective until you get as much sky in your vision as you can get.

Avoid taking off from bases where the enemy are nearly on top of you or capping and vulching.

Check your lapboard regularly for cons (though that's not fullproof). Check six often.

Do NOT turn fight if at all possible. Work on staying fast ... extending if you cant get a solution pretty quick then climb and reverse to try to reaquire.

Fly with a wingie.

;) Bout all I can offer for now.

Offline Blue Mako

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2003, 01:49:53 AM »
I recommend setting convergence on 50 cal guns to 250 - 300 yds.  Further out and the rounds don't have enough hitting power and are dispersed all over the place ==> you have to spray an awful lot more to get kills.

Offline SirLoin

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2003, 04:02:51 AM »
It actually climbs pretty good considering it carries twice the fuel as a F4uD with it's wing tanks...It also bleeds E like no other plane(by dropping gear) and rolls splendidly..And like the P47 handles much better with low ammo in wings...

Be sure to drain wing tanks first for better rollrate.:)

Offline gofaster

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2003, 08:27:59 AM »
(a) set convergence for 350.
(b) burn your left wing tank first, all the way down.  Then burn your main tank.  Your right wing tank is to get you home after the main tank is empty.
(c) set your back/up/right and back/up/left views all the way back so that you see your vertical stabilizer.
(d) set your forward/left and forward/right views so that they're all the way back but to the outside so you can see past the nose.
(e) you can drop your gear at higher speeds in the Corsair than you can in some of the other planes.
(f) a Corsair can outrun all Japanese planes except a higher Ki-61.  
(g) a Ki-61 will hold its energy better than the Corsair.  If a Ki bounces you and is packing a lot of speed, don't be afraid to drop gear and force an overshoot, then reverse back onto his tail as he zips past and pop off a quick shot.  If your convergence is set at 350, you have a reasonable possibility of hitting him out to around 500.
(h) if you see a Ki-61, it'll be me, so just go ahead and bail because I know all of your lousy GI Yankee tricks! :cool:

Offline MoMoney

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2003, 12:21:47 PM »
Thrila with Acid..he's the master of the F4u-1.  He's racked up an insane K/D on that thing flying alone 90% of the time.

One thing that I know you like to do when being bounced.  Dive and get real fast then pull-up insanely (black out) then roll and spank what is below u.  Thats what u taught me in the TA a-while ago.  Well in the F4u-1 you can yank very, very, very hard and when 90% of wings rip off-your's won't.  It fun to watch P-51 wings rip off when trying to follow u.  a jap plane...forget will explode.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2003, 12:27:10 PM by MoMoney »

Offline AcId

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2003, 08:44:11 AM »
Haven't flown it much this tour....been focusing on the YAK. I'll tell ya what I know though.

gofaster said "burn your left wing tank first", I'll tell you why, If you fly at the edge of the envelope with more than half a LW tank it's likely you will stall the left wing and it'll dip violently. Now with an empty LW tank and some gas left in the RW tank your envelope just got a hair bigger and that stall is much less pronounced (actually pretty gentle) and easily managed due to the offset weight of the fuel in the RW vs an empty LW. Never take-off with %100 fuel, unless your flying across the map.
(extra armor plate was added to the RW on future Corsairs to counteract this stall)

Because of it's strengths and weaknessessessess its a BnZ'r first and foremost, you must always be aware of your E state as well as the enemies and conserve whenever possible because it's hard work getting it back.

The tactic that MoMoney describes is good only against rookie pilots, those who don't realize they're about to rip wings. Otherwise depending on the chasing AC it's best to change directions during the time it's likely the nme AC is possibly blacked out while trying to follow.

F4U-1 loves alt and speed, those are it's too best friends but also take the longest to get. Not alt in the sense of 20k necessarily just some alt over your oponnent. It's a plus to have both but either one can be traded for the other. It's not a high alt bird neither so don't go chasing buffs over 22k. It's performance only gets worse at high alts.

It's strong point is high-speed handling and it's ability to hold together. Where some AC cant follow the high speed moves the others will rip wings if they try.

Zoom climbs and rope-a-dopes work if the nme is inexperienced and not in half the planeset, otherwise you will be caught in a climb and very pissed off. ;)

Stall fighting on the deck is dangerous in any bird but this one with flaps will auger the uber rides (this is where and empty LW tank can save your life). Often I ended up on the deck dodging bullets saying my final prayer when the nme tried to follow a low speed turn and stalled out and augered. Be mindfull of your stall, if you stall at low speed under 4k it's likely you will not get it back in time.

If you decide to turn with an nme TnB'r at alt, don't, never more than once for a snapshot, stay above (it's an E thing) and set him up for a 6 run. If you must go for the kill and try to stay on his 6 then drop flaps, mash the rudder, and drop the gear to bleed speed in order to follow a split-S or a break. At that point your comitted if he has any E.


Offline thrila

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2003, 08:35:20 AM »
Thanks for the help guys i'm having a blast in the f4u-1! :)

 I played around with gun convergence but in the end i settled on 300yrds, it's what range i usually open fire at. I am having problems avoiding wreckage though, I've died 3 times this tour to ramming someones plane i've shot up. I lost my wingtip a few times too but luckily i've landed them.

I love it's roll rate!:)  it  has got me outta bad situations quite often.  If someone latches on my tail i just change direction a few times at high speed and their gone.

I've stalled the f4u-1 a few times during turnfights, getting into bad spins.  This usually happens when i run out of fuel in a wing tank and the engine dies.  I really need to keep an eye on that fuel gauge.

i usually fly spits so flaps are new to me but i getting used to them.  Smetimes i'll put them down a notch to get a snapshot on a con then raise them and carry on my merry way.  I've also killed a few spits by lowering them a notch and following them in their turns in a lag pursuit.  At the end of the turn i'm usually on their low 6, they think they have lost me so i get an easy shot at an unmanouvering target.:)

Once again thanks for the help.:)
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."

Offline gofaster

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F4u-1 help
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2003, 08:51:26 AM »
The F4U-1 is a fun ride, except when you're ganged by F6Fs, Spitfires, and P-51s! :mad:

I should change my sig to "No matter how many of you line up behind me, only 1 of you is going to get the kill."

I don't think I ever got over 10k this weekend without getting chased by P-51s, turned by higher Spitfirs, then killed by whatever hit me the most.