Author Topic: WB a furball paradise??  (Read 3257 times)

Offline Rude

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2003, 04:04:34 PM »
Originally posted by Yeager
Seems to me most of the stratnoodles in AH are from AW.  This game was a helluva lot more fun before AW went tits under and all those dorks invaded and conquered my fun little game.

Im thinking with AH2 all those AW stratnoodles will go to the missun uh-rena and leave the classic MA to be ruled by the real deals.


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Offline Rude

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2003, 04:22:41 PM »
Ya know what? This is stupid.

Lazs or anyone else has never spoken to diminish or prevent strat guys from stratin til the cows come home....all this has ever been about is to allow some changes(whatever they might be) to take place which might allow players other than the strat guys to have fun too.

Now what we've got is some split you vs me crap taking sucks.

Which one of you want to deny Lazs or myself, or anyone like minded, a lower, quicker fight? If you do, explain why?

I'm waiting.

Offline Hwkeye

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2003, 04:53:26 PM »
I have an account with WB but have not flown there in a year or more.  I left when the MA died and the WWII Arena messed the WB community up.

IMHO Warbirds is dying. I say"Let it go in peace".  There is no 'strat' because there are not enough players to 'strat' with.  We did plenty of 'strat' back in the old, pre-3.0 MA so it's not the community, it's the numbers.  Sadly, good pilots in a bad sim is sad.  Laz2, if your not into 'strat' then furball to your hearts content.  That is the beauty of Aces High.  It gives you options. The current WB community is running out of them.

RIP Warbirds.

The Flying Zoo

Offline Rutilant

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2003, 05:01:32 PM »
Furballin seems pretty mindless to me.. you're either cherrypicking or getting cherrypicked. Go after one guy, pooch the pass, go after the next one.. It isnt real 'fighting', and success depends on how many friends you have, or how well your plane turns.. pretty dull IMO, and i DO furball when there's one large enough to blink an eye at.. (30 planes and up)

I'de rather be in a B17 en-route to the enemy base otherwise..

Don't worry though.. I'll still be there to screw things up for you furballers after AH2 comes out every now and then.

Offline Jackal1

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #49 on: August 11, 2003, 05:05:34 PM »
Originally posted by Rude

Which one of you want to deny Lazs or myself, or anyone like minded, a lower, quicker fight? If you do, explain why?

I'm waiting.

 Absolutely no "one" is! When you log on take the time to notice that upon loadup there is a place called the DA. If there is so many of you that won`t to do absolutely nothing but rump ranger each other and kill swap, then go to it and have a ball (:D  no pun intended.....well maybe just a touch). Other than that you will just have to play in the MA as it is set up as do the rest of us. No big mystery there.
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Offline Mini D

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #50 on: August 11, 2003, 05:05:35 PM »
Originally posted by Rude
Which one of you want to deny Lazs or myself, or anyone like minded, a lower, quicker fight? If you do, explain why?

I'm waiting.
You already have the opportunity to do it in the TA.  Explain why you'd need to be able to find a very specific type of fight in the MA at all times... and why anything that disrupts that very specific type of fight is somehow evil and open to insult?

There are all sorts of things to do in the MA... and it's always changing.  To insist that it not change because someone feels that one very specific thing shouldn't be interupted is pretty silly.


Offline SunKing

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #51 on: August 11, 2003, 05:13:04 PM »
just another same ole same post from Mr.Condescending. Why

let it bother you , you know what he's gonna say.

Offline jamusta

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2003, 05:48:00 PM »
Am I the only one who loves to furball but at the same time loves to pork and vulch? Its even better to furball until it gets pushed over an enemy base so I can then begin to pork and vulch.

The best of both worlds.. Gosh I love this game.

Offline NoBaddy

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #53 on: August 11, 2003, 07:13:43 PM »
Originally posted by jamusta
Am I the only one who loves to furball but at the same time loves to pork and vulch? Its even better to furball until it gets pushed over an enemy base so I can then begin to pork and vulch.

The best of both worlds.. Gosh I love this game. are the norm. The majority try and do some of everything.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Yeager

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #54 on: August 11, 2003, 10:31:44 PM »

Man I used to play this game alot.  I enjoyed doing a little bit of everything but the reality has been that the strat game prevents me from doing what I want to do, whatever that is.  I mean, I always seem to be saying to myself "sh*t, I cant do that now" because some stratcock has disabled me from playing the game.

Lately I cant hardly be bothered anymore.  I really long for air to air combat.  Tanks arent done well enough to really be immersive, ships arent done well enough either....the bomber model lethality is too fu*cked up to enjoy anyway so what left for me but ACM and some dork has me down to %25.  Fu*k it.  Gettin tired of it.
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Offline Tumor

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2003, 12:40:21 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
deja.. you are welcome to view me in any maner that pleases you.   You are also welcome to comment anmy time yu like...  I was mereley pointing out that you should look around at the company you keep.   I mean..... rut?   jakal... ya gotta be a little bit embarassed huh?

slo.. you will notice that the furballers seemed to pretty much dominate the 8 vs 8 AH/WB duel... when the best furballers from AH didn't show for the last rounds we got our butts kicked.  I guess "mindless" means .... ability to win.  "complex strat" means.... losing as slwly as possible.

It would seem, your referring to a duel, NOT a furball.  Just ask Lev.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Tumor

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2003, 12:45:20 AM »
Originally posted by Rude
Ya know what? This is stupid.

Lazs or anyone else has never spoken to diminish or prevent strat guys from stratin til the cows come home....all this has ever been about is to allow some changes(whatever they might be) to take place which might allow players other than the strat guys to have fun too.

Now what we've got is some split you vs me crap taking sucks.

Which one of you want to deny Lazs or myself, or anyone like minded, a lower, quicker fight? If you do, explain why?

I'm waiting.

Indeed, stupid it is.  However I disagree with your defense of Lazs.  When every time one posts on the subject, that post contains words and phrases that are meant primarily to belittle and insult those of "the other side".... then you can, and should expect to be taken to task in the Me vs You arena.  It aint about strat vs fur, it's about poor social skills.  Lazs thrives on it... so lett'em have it.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Tumor

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2003, 12:47:17 AM »
Originally posted by jamusta
Am I the only one who loves to furball but at the same time loves to pork and vulch? Its even better to furball until it gets pushed over an enemy base so I can then begin to pork and vulch.

The best of both worlds.. Gosh I love this game.

The big maps do tend to remove the fur... gotta admit that.  I like it all too.  Big maps tend to make me bored, thank-god for Operation Flashpoint :)
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Creamo

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #58 on: August 12, 2003, 05:24:47 AM »
Alright, I’ll end the madness now.

Too many people use the AH General Forum to stage condescending opinions on HTC’s MA Gameplay setup. IF it was so important to change the Gameplay, they’d use the proper forum, but it’s not about that at all. It’s about using the General Forum for the biggest audience to talk about how they play the MA, and how they want to make a virtual persona that’s better and badder than the next guy if they dogfight rather than choose to play one of the many different rolls the MA provides.

Maybe I’m wrong and the MA is so porked the furballers would have 100 per hour killed like a UT spaceship map fragfest, but I doubt it. Seems like a bunch of unnecessary self crank yanking.

Of course it sounds ridiculous, but it’s pretty clear that’s what’s happening. And it’s not the bomber squads that are clogging the General Discussion with why they are so superior and all knowing how HTC should run their game.  

I have no doubt the guys like DMF that excel at furballing have good SA, don’t need a “Go to the DA 1v1” response for the MA gameplay arguments, or have  to go there to prove themselves, and why should they? They pry loathe situations in the MA when depleted or reduce fuel impede the furbal on the bigger maps. It still doesn’t make the MA any less flawed, nor has Hitech and Pyro seemingly needing a Friday 5:00pm thinktank on how to remedy the gameplay.

  Matter a fact, my boring and less impressive time per kill stats as I hunt the bombers that pork the fuel, may even help the guys that like furballing and burning circles into their monitors. It's part of the MMOG game.

I am twice as guilty of goofing on folks in the Off Topic to get a rise out of them, but this consistent attack on the AH gameplay is getting silly. It serves a juvenile purpose for a few, but as a whole it’s getting to be a pain in the ass.  People are starting to believe the drivel simply by it's repetition, and that don't make it true.

Find a new cause to pursue.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2003, 05:31:34 AM by Creamo »

Offline lazs2

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2003, 08:23:21 AM »
tumor.. so after all that you admit that the design of the big maps prevents action (furballs)?   thank you why bother with the rest? rudes defense of me was accurate.  In no way do I advocate destroying anyone elses gameplay unless it is lopsided (one guy able to ruin the fun of d9ozens with no skill involved... the atom bomb gameplay).

deja... the "list"  I guess someone as cheerful and lacking in condencending attitude as yourself would have a throng of players confiding in him so if you say everyone thinks I am pathetic then it must be so.   oh well.

creamo.. if there were opportunity for furballs in the MA again then there would be... people tend to do waht is fun in a GAME unless forced to do otherwise by lack of choice or lacking self esteem so that they join some huge strat" squad and give themselves military rank.   If the game allowed furballs then most would participate out of choice tho and the strat guys would be screaming blood y murder (as has happened in the past) that "nobody wants to play the game right"... they would ask for ways to LIMIT choice so that people were forced to play with em... their moms did it for em when they were kids and they want HTC to do it for em now.

And that is the difference... my goals are unselfish and noble and all about parity and choice while the evil, hive like and  deformed strat guys are the enemies of fun and choice.   laughter and meeriment cause them physical pain... seeing individuals leave the hive causes them pain.

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