Author Topic: Was it a good thing that the U.S. Gov't tried to prevent communism from spreading?  (Read 1709 times)

Offline Dowding

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Stalinism was probably the most effective and sane implementation of Comminist ideology.

There was nothing sane about Stalinism.
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Offline Boroda

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Originally posted by Eagler

if you are lazy, don't want to get ahead, do enough just to get by, think everyone should be equal no matter what - communism is your cup of tea

heck -just describe the average handsomehunkcrat/liberal :)

Well, I have to agree here, especially knowing that you don't know what "Communism" means and using this word to describe authoritary states with Soviet-style socialism. People who were sitting holes in their pants from 9 to 6 and earning their guaranteed salary and accomodation are the first in lines of our contemporary commies, wishing to take away everything from people who work their prettythang off.

OTOH, in Soviet times we had millions of people doing their jobs on any conditions, just for fun and self-satisfaction. The difference between stalinism and late-Soviet "developed socialism" was that stalinism relied on that enthusiasts, while in 70s-80s such people were dangerous and not welcome by Party olygarchy. Unfortunately, it was inevitable, because of social development and relative growth of "prosperity"... This is a very complicated problem, hard to explain such things in English. :(

To be short: stalinism was a regime built for emergency situations, and it was the most effective economical solution in human history. When the goals were reached and social tension was released - the society lost it's motivation and didn't find new idea to follow, that led to social and economical stagnation followed by the collapse of late 80s-early 90s.

Offline Boroda

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Originally posted by Dowding
There was nothing sane about Stalinism.

There is a good quote from sir Winston: "Stalin got Russia with a plowshare, and left it with an atomic bomb".

There was a problem: the country could be destroyed, and population eliminated. The problem was solved.

Stalin was a pragmatic. Stalinism can be defined as a system where people are granted with infinite authority, but, OTOH, with infinite responsibility. This was the only system that could survive in a War and then, 12 years after it ended, reconstructed the completely destroyed economics and industry and reached into Space.

It was a cruel time, but the price was survival of the whole nation. I wish such times will never return.

BTW, the worst thing in Comminist theory was Stalin's "elimination of state by it's enforcing". Sounded like he was tampering with the basics of Communist religion to justify his methods.

Offline Maniac

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Paranoid Americans :eek:
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Offline Boroda

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Originally posted by SOB
Well, I don't think we'd see Boroda on this BBS as much, as he'd surely be busy in his post as the Supreme Soviet Information Minister.  :D


You have to read something about Soviet political system.

Supreme Soviet (BTW, did you know that "soviet" is translated as "council"? ;)) was a parliament of USSR. Council (soviet) of Ministers was an administration (government) of USSR. Press, media and information were controlled by State committees.


Offline Boroda

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Originally posted by Otto
Communism, in ALL it variations was responsible for 100 million deaths in the 20th Century.  If stopping that was wrong, "I don't wanna be right"

Did anyone count how many people were killed by "capitalism"? Estimated around billion deaths in XX century...

Offline Boroda

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Originally posted by gofaster
Wasn't NATO a response to the Warsaw Pact?  Had it not been for that, I think the countries in NATO probably would've banded together in some form anyway.


NATO was founded in 1949, Warsaw treaty was signed in 1955.

Agressive Western anticommunist, antidemocratic policy in their occupation zones led to separation of Germany, many local conflicts and finaly to cold war. This is obvious. WE didn't start it. Just check the dates.