Stop Thief!! (chuckle)
Yeah, Ima milkrunner I've stolen my way across the pizza map in the MA with 475 dweebs up. I am in it for the realestate and I will take any base any which way I see fit. I will either defend a base or take a base. If I am taking a base it is logical to take bases that are not currantly being heavily defended. Or neighboring bases to either split the front or push the front back.
You wanna stop me you must do what I do to stop you. pork front line barracks or wait for me. I am always happy to fight anyone who will up to defend. Either way it is a two way street and everybody does it. If you don't milkrun then you probably like to beat your head against solid objects as well. Another point is if there are 27bishops and only 6knights to defend not all 27 bish will hit only one base. No, if history is a lesson they will hit 3 to 4 bases thinning the defence out even further. Thus even in numbers milkrunning is a part of the game.
Fo rthe weak and feble who auger or f4 out while on their milkrun I say these are they who have no pride in themselves.
Why milkrun? simple logic and strategy.
(wanna know a secret? sometimes milkrunning is a faint!)