Author Topic: F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things  (Read 2051 times)

Offline Dega

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #60 on: September 05, 2003, 10:37:34 AM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Has anyone seen the holy hand grenade of antioch?




        "Three, sir"


Offline Boroda

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #61 on: September 05, 2003, 10:43:00 AM »
Again the money for the fish, part thirty eight :)

Originally posted by Tuomio
The fact is, that the appalling show from Russian army got Stalin too afraid to try anything more than they could be certain to have. That is NOT what they initially were thinking, thats what they were FORCED to be satisfied.

LOL! Yeah and then the Sovjet troops marched to Helsinki, which wasnt their plan, but still.

With Mannerheim Line broken and Soviet tanks on the ice of Finnish Gulf - there was nothing that could stop Red Army from advancing towards Helsingfors.

In fact - Stalin simply took back the lands granted to Great Principate of Finland by Alexander I. And he compensated them by much more land in Karelia. Now tell me that he was so frightened that Finns forced him to do it. He just insisted on his pre-war suggestions.

This is so clear and primitive that I don't want to discuss it any more.

Originally posted by Tuomio

"The sadest period was the begining of 1942, hard winter, lack of food and diseased killed 3536 people "

Genocide? I think not..

Genocide is a wrong word here, sorry. It was politics of nationalistic segregation and opression, that is defined as "fascism" in Russian languadge. Sorry again :(

Offline Tuomio

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #62 on: September 05, 2003, 03:46:51 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda

With Mannerheim Line broken and Soviet tanks on the ice of Finnish Gulf - there was nothing that could stop Red Army from advancing towards Helsingfors.

So on 1940 they marched to Helsinki, parades were held and Molotov got his ice cream he promised have in our capital. We actually made song from it, its called "Njet molotov".

Yes it was a matter of time when finns story were to be over, but factor was, HOW long time. It took 4 years and possibly, when the peace agreements were made, Ruskies didnt exactly know how little effort would be needed to crush the rest of us. Thats why they settled with less than they could have got. When they later realized the mistake, instead of just invading again they trusted the communist parties inside Finland would eventually do the job for them.

Now tell me that he was so frightened that Finns forced him to do it. He just insisted on his pre-war suggestions.

Sure, after 300 000 inf. casualties on Russians and massive amounts of lost equipment because of us, Stalin in his well known good will just wanted us to live and prosper.


Genocide is a wrong word here, sorry. It was politics of nationalistic segregation and opression, that is defined as "fascism" in Russian languadge. Sorry again :( [/B]

Yeah we were nazis and facists, you be glad as soviets werent. If you read that link you gave further, there is detailed explanations what did happen in our Karelian camps.

Offline Fishu

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #63 on: September 05, 2003, 04:40:00 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda
Second: Finns did not stop at "former borders". They occupied Karelia including Petrozavodsk.

I didn't claim they stopped _exactly_ around the former borders, but hardly much further.. so it is around the area of former borders, like said.

Offline -tronski-

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #64 on: September 05, 2003, 10:28:11 PM »
Fact: on occasion, Finland make good race car drivers...

that is all, please carry on...nothing to see here....

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Offline Boroda

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2003, 11:05:26 AM »
Originally posted by Tuomio
So on 1940 they marched to Helsinki, parades were held and Molotov got his ice cream he promised have in our capital. We actually made song from it, its called "Njet molotov".

I have heard that song. Sounds funny. When did he "promise" to eat ice-cream in Helsingfors? Sounds like an ordinary propaganda hallucination.

Originally posted by Tuomio

Yes it was a matter of time when finns story were to be over, but factor was, HOW long time. It took 4 years and possibly, when the peace agreements were made, Ruskies didnt exactly know how little effort would be needed to crush the rest of us. Thats why they settled with less than they could have got. When they later realized the mistake, instead of just invading again they trusted the communist parties inside Finland would eventually do the job for them.


Paranoid hallucinations.

Please, explain what, WHAT could brave Finns do against Soviet tanks that crossed Finnish Gulf on ice???

Go tell me that it was Finnish natural resources that Stalin wanted to seize. You know, Russia is mostly covered with desert and we need more timber.

We wanted the border moved away from Leningrad, because it was dangerous in case of "indirect agression", and time have shown that Stalin was 100% right. That's all it was about.

Occupation of Finland simply couldn't be planned, because it could result in a war with France and UK, and, likely, an alliance between France, UK and nazi Germany against us.

Originally posted by Tuomio

Sure, after 300 000 inf. casualties on Russians and massive amounts of lost equipment because of us, Stalin in his well known good will just wanted us to live and prosper.

You fought like probably noone else in the history of XX century, except Russians. Our casualities were enormous, mostly because of frost... But thinking that Finland could oppose Red Army is the last, incurable degree of optimism.

Originally posted by Tuomio

Yeah we were nazis and facists, you be glad as soviets werent. If you read that link you gave further, there is detailed explanations what did happen in our Karelian camps.

I know what happened in your Karelian camps without this lame attempt to find excuses. Believe me, Finns are not the only source of information on this subject. SOME people survived there.

What I really LOVE is that some Finns on AGW want to present concentration camps as a humanitarian attempt to feed the hungry and save prisoners from starvation. Indeed, lie is truth, war is peace, etc.

Maybe we'll talk about heroic deeds of your skyddskår "patrolmen"?... And don't you ever dare to tell me about "soviet partisans" who "slaughtered and murdered" (surprise! surprise!) 140 Finnish civilians, probably the same skyddskår gangsters.

I kindly ask you to write "Soviet" with a capital letter. In Russian we don't write names of the nations with capital, and I don't know about Finnish language (that I really want to study), but we are talking in English.

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2003, 12:13:48 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda
I have heard that song. Sounds funny. When did he "promise" to eat ice-cream in Helsingfors? Sounds like an ordinary propaganda hallucination.

If i remember correctly, he said that "soon we are going to eat ice cream in Helsinki". Im not sure if it was Stalin who said that they were going to be in Helsinki after 3 weeks.

I have heard this from various sources and documentaries.

Please, explain what, WHAT could brave Finns do against Soviet tanks that crossed Finnish Gulf on ice???

This must be same kinds of questions red army generals were asking when they manufactured Mainilas border crisis. What could possibly this small and poor country do against hordes of Soviet troops?

It looks you are now speaking of things that could have happened, if this and that were known and ordered. Not a single tank came trough the Gulf to this day. But maybe Stalin just wanted to be fair to us and instead of doing it easy way, he came from Karelia again and again and losing hordes of men. Or should i say the generals who were in charge, Stalin was fixated on Hitlers front.

If we were supposed to be easy nut to crack, why they fought in Karelia, but didnt just come in Helsinki to cut the beasts head off? To claim that we didnt have resources is maybe true, but what did Latvia or Lithuania have? Or Estonia? I can see plenty of strategical benefits for claiming our lands. Not like Stalin needed any, he was just lunie who felt he was a god and acted accordingly. Soviets liked to expand and why not to expand to place who was stick in your butt for 5 years? Something that didnt happen doesent mean somebody didnt want.

We wanted the border moved away from Leningrad, because it was dangerous in case of "indirect agression", and time have shown that Stalin was 100% right. That's all it was about.

And we did move our borders peacefully to some extent. But you wanted more, our important choke points against Soviet possible assault were to be given for you for future purposes.

Occupation of Finland simply couldn't be planned, because it could result in a war with France and UK, and, likely, an alliance between France, UK and nazi Germany against us.

We were allied with Nazis, so nobody wouldve done anything to support this god forgotten land. UK declared war against us remember?

But thinking that Finland could oppose Red Army is the last, incurable degree of optimism..

No, we opposed you, thats a fact. But we didnt have chance to win if we would receive Soviets full attention.

I know what happened in your Karelian camps without this lame attempt to find excuses. Believe me, Finns are not the only source of information on this subject. SOME people survived there.

We starved (verb) them to death? Did we gas them, or deny something that coulve been easily given? Were there reasonable options for camps? Feel free to tell the stories of the people who were there.


What I really LOVE is that some Finns on AGW want to present concentration camps as a humanitarian attempt to feed the hungry and save prisoners from starvation. Indeed, lie is truth, war is peace, etc.

I have never stated such things. If you pack 10 000 people in small area with ****ty infrastructure, that place will be a hellhole and very inhumane. But did we seek ways to make it worse, i think not.

I dont know about the partisans, i have heard their mission was to rape and do general havoc in civilian infrastructure. Dont know whether our patrols had habit of raping or burning civilian buildings.

Offline Boroda

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2003, 01:13:19 PM »
Originally posted by Tuomio
If i remember correctly, he said that "soon we are going to eat ice cream in Helsinki". Im not sure if it was Stalin who said that they were going to be in Helsinki after 3 weeks.

I have heard this from various sources and documentaries.

Never ever heard about it. If such things were said - every demscisoid dog will bark about it at every corner now.

Such words are simply out of line of Soviet propaganda and politics. It can be an anecdote. Nice propaganda hook. Really nice.

Originally posted by Tuomio

This must be same kinds of questions red army generals were asking when they manufactured Mainilas border crisis. What could possibly this small and poor country do against hordes of Soviet troops?

Mannerheim estimated that Finland was able to endure for 2 weeks after Soviet invasion. Mistakes in Soviet command and incredible frost (even for Russians), the stupid idea that we can win by throwing our fur-hats at Finns were the cause of the disaster. And, on the first place - desperation, bravery and skills of your Grandfathers. But after Red Army started to act according to it's own field regulations - everything was finished in a matter of days.

Originally posted by Tuomio

It looks you are now speaking of things that could have happened, if this and that were known and ordered. Not a single tank came trough the Gulf to this day. But maybe Stalin just wanted to be fair to us and instead of doing it easy way, he came from Karelia again and again and losing hordes of men. Or should i say the generals who were in charge, Stalin was fixated on Hitlers front.

You are mistaken. 70th infantry division crossed Finnish Gulf, with all armour, in March, 1940 IIRC. Commander was M.P. Kirponos. Finland demanded a cease-fire immediately after this.

Again, the stupid idea that Finns will just surrender costed us thousands of lives. Everything was finished in a matter of days when we started to act according to the regulations. You know, regulations are written with blood...

Originally posted by Tuomio

If we were supposed to be easy nut to crack, why they fought in Karelia, but didnt just come in Helsinki to cut the beasts head off? To claim that we didnt have resources is maybe true, but what did Latvia or Lithuania have? Or Estonia? I can see plenty of strategical benefits for claiming our lands. Not like Stalin needed any, he was just lunie who felt he was a god and acted accordingly. Soviets liked to expand and why not to expand to place who was stick in your butt for 5 years? Something that didnt happen doesent mean somebody didnt want.

You can call Stalin whatever you want, but he definetly was not a loonie.

We needed naval bases outside Finnish Gulf, and we got Libava (Liepaya, sorry, I use names in old-fashioned "naval" transcribtion). We got rid of potential beachheads for agression in Pribaltika. We got Hanko (Gangut). We had to think of "indirect agression", a term never admitted by League of Nations. Again, time have shown that Stalin was right.

Originally posted by Tuomio

And we did move our borders peacefully to some extent. But you wanted more, our important choke points against Soviet possible assault were to be given for you for future purposes.

Hmm. I have never heard about "moving borders peacefully". :( Maybe a lack in my education. I am not even an amateur historian :(

What I know is that hostilities with Finland went on in 1918-22, and there was no movement of borders in our favour (hope you understand what I mean).

Originally posted by Tuomio

We were allied with Nazis, so nobody wouldve done anything to support this god forgotten land. UK declared war against us remember?

Well. This paragraph tells me a lot.

JFYI: the ONLY country that supported Soviet agression in Finland was nazi Germany. UK and France were planning to land in Norway and directly send troops to the theatre of operations and help Finns. USSR avoided this only by mere chance. More to say, UK and France were planning various offencive operations against USSR in 1940. The most well-known plan was bombing Caspian oil wells in Baku from the bases in Iran. USSR had to enforce Caucasian military district by 3 times preparing for such actions of future "allies".

UK declared war on Finland in 1943, as you said above. In 1940 USSR had a treaty with Germany, so UK and France supported Finland.

It's sad that you don't know such key points of your own contry's history :(

Originally posted by Tuomio

No, we opposed you, thats a fact. But we didnt have chance to win if we would receive Soviets full attention.

Finland didn't have any chance to stop USSR even when only Leningrad military district was involved in a war. :(

Originally posted by Tuomio

We starved (verb) them to death? Did we gas them, or deny something that coulve been easily given? Were there reasonable options for camps? Feel free to tell the stories of the people who were there.

The reasonable option for camps was simply letting people live and not start national segregation. What really shoked me was the fact that Saam population were given special ribbons with "relative nation" written on them. Unfortunately, after invading into historicaly Russian land Finland started to act like nazis did in Poland, Belorussia, Ukraine and Russia.... :(

Originally posted by Tuomio

I have never stated such things. If you pack 10 000 people in small area with ****ty infrastructure, that place will be a hellhole and very inhumane. But did we seek ways to make it worse, i think not.

I dont know about the partisans, i have heard their mission was to rape and do general havoc in civilian infrastructure. Dont know whether our patrols had habit of raping or burning civilian buildings.

Skyddskår were in fact feared more then German SS troops :( They were in fact acting against civilian population. Now it's called "terrorism" :( Unlike Soviet "partisans", who were in fact wearing Red Army uniform, they were nothing more then armed gangs that did have a habbit to rape and burn :(

BTW, how do you imagine a "mission" to rape declared to a regular army unit? It was impossible according to the official Soviet line. Simply - impossible. Any commander issuing such orders must have been immediately removed from his unit and put under military tribunal. :mad:

Again I have to say that I feel sorry that my country had to start an agression against Finland, and I adore the bravery and will of Finnish people. Now I am looking for a Stalin's toast speech for the Finnish people where he expressed the same feelings.

Offline Fishu

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2003, 03:48:52 PM »
lol, what a stuff Boroda.

When you talk about dedicated rapists etc., why do you forget to mention those soviet troops operating behind the lines, who went around the small villages interrogating people and killing them after that, to not get caught so easy?

You sound quite biased on the matter...

Offline Boroda

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #69 on: September 09, 2003, 07:21:26 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu
lol, what a stuff Boroda.

When you talk about dedicated rapists etc., why do you forget to mention those soviet troops operating behind the lines, who went around the small villages interrogating people and killing them after that, to not get caught so easy?

You sound quite biased on the matter...

Yes, I am quite biased.

But I don't talk about dedicated rapists. I just say that Skyddskår were feared more then SS, and they were known to do some horrible things. And, unlike Soviet troops that you by some strange mistake call "partisans" they were not regular army units.

Just curious: didn't you really hear about UK/France plans to directly help Finland, and of the plans to bomb Baku oil wells?

1939/40 politics was really wierd. There was a popular US movie called "Mission to Moscow" explaining it all...

Offline Maniac

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F A C T S on Finland, ww2 and other things
« Reply #70 on: September 09, 2003, 07:32:38 AM »
A russian talking about rape... My polish grandmother would have something to say about this...
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