Author Topic: Fighters' K/D in Beta 2  (Read 668 times)

Offline Vermillion

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 1999, 01:29:00 PM »
<puts back of hand to Shower's forehead to check temperature>

Shower you feeling alright?? ;-)

The N1K2 is "unbeatable" in a flat scissors? You must be either delirious or taking some really good drugs.

Right now, I can't think of any single fighter in AH that rolls slower than a George, and high roll rate is the key to a successful flat scissor.

Maybe you just have a different definition of what a scissors is, but to me the La5 and the Fw190 are the two best scissor planes in the game.

And FYI I am probably the biggest single defender of the N1K2 around, just check out my posts in the "Aircraft" section

WB's: (verm--), **MOL**, Men of Leisure,
"Real men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires ;) "


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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 1999, 02:13:00 PM »
Well I'm a N1k2 person all the way. I'ts not the fastest or the best turning AC but I can get more kills with it than anything else(I won't fly the spitfire). I've been flying the P51 for a couple of days now and can get 3 or 4 kill sorties but with the N1K2 I can normally get 6 to 7 kill sorties(when not taking off from a capped base).


Offline Hristo

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 1999, 02:14:00 PM »
Agree on scissors. 190 does them great, Niki can't follow.

Tip to 190 drivers though. Never ever HO P 51D. You will probably kill it, but in most cases he will take your wing off too.

Offline Fishu

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 1999, 02:16:00 PM »
Hristo: I've found one thing intresting in P-51, I managed to climb 4000fpm with it and having 50% fuel, with what it flies for longer than 109 I think..
I never knew that P-51D climbs 4000fpm all the way till 20k...
Perhaps this makes it now best climbing aircraft?

Offline janneh

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 1999, 12:43:00 AM »
Those times I've flown LA-5, I've noticed its weak armor (or armor modelling). You propably fly it with brains and don't get so many hits, but with my "fly style" <G>, I keep sucking those nme bullets  
I must say You have quite professional touch conserning 109 (any chance You played WB with callsign -ik--?   )

I agree what comes to flat scissors. 109's best bet. After we get 109F-4 I'll be there with scissors (on weekends I do them even on runway, heheh).

Very interesting thread, keep it alive.


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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 1999, 07:53:00 PM »
i dissagree the key to winning in scissors is not matching the roll but matching the decceleration and the n1k deccerates very well.  all i know is that the only time i can kill someone is if they try to scissor, then it's a gimme.  then again, i can do it reasonably well in a 109, too, and it doesn't deccelerate all that well.  maybe i'm just good at it.


Offline -ik-

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 1999, 09:19:00 PM »
lol janneh.

Kind of funny, I think the whole 109G-10 problem is just ht and pyro continuing in the warbirds tradition of "This plane shall suck." Post war test pilots who were the most harsh critics of the 109 admitted that the 109G-6 handily outclimbed the P-51D, the 109G-10 had 325 more hp than the 109G-6. I remember not long ago there was a lot of complaining going on by people about the 109G-10 of AH, that it accelertated and climbed so well, their P-51's just couldn't keep up! Call me a fanatic, but I think they were trying to beat the 109 at its own game and now the 109 has been castrated due to those ill-founded complaints. In any sim made by ht and pyro, a 109 pilot must be happy to fly only at nose bleed altitudes, and only accept fights with those who are stupid enough to fly slow and below him. It's such a shame, many flight sims seem to model the 109 from the perspective of allied test pilots, who gave it a reputation of being a very difficult, unforgiving aircraft. Ironically, LW pilots who had the opportunity to fly P-51's and P-47's after the war criticized them in the same way allied test pilots did the 109.

If you have thought about it enough, you know nearly everything is a matter of perspective, what's true is probably somewhere in the middle ground. I don't see that sort of wisdom here.


Offline leonid

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 1999, 10:35:00 PM »
Thank you for your ... constructive criticism?

Pyro has stated that he agrees that the 109 appears underpowered, and has also stated that the C.205 needs to be looked at in more detail.  Do you follow this board enough to read most of it?  In fact, do you play AH at all?

To those who actually like and play AH:
This flightsim started on the last week of September, so that gives it a current life of about ... two months.  HTC have been up front about the fact that the FM needs some serious work, not because it is flawed in any way, but because they have been working on making sure the engine is stable as well as the network setup.  The FM merely hasn't been attended to with any great detail yet, because if the engine doesn't work smoothly or the network setup is porked you can forget about any FM.

Please remember that it has been a mere two months since open beta.  And, more importantly, remember it is a beta.  HTC expects us to report and discuss our findings and views about AH, but within the context of a team helping to build and refine what will eventually become a finished product.  Making inflammatory posts that call into question the competence of the HTC staff has no merit, except for ones ego(I have been guilty of this myself with WB, but realized what I was doing and withdrew from actively participating in any WB boards).  We are here to help and advise HTC with the building of what promises to be a great game.  Constructive feedback would be much more appropriate than condemning flames.


[This message has been edited by leonid (edited 12-01-1999).]
ingame: Raz


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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 1999, 01:48:00 AM »
Hear Hear Leonid.
Sometimes the vieled threats, accusations of cheating and outraged screams of rage on this message board have astounded me. I think the dev team deserves an exceptional award just for being so calm and level headed with the most accusatory and inflammatory posters. I know I wouldn't deal with some of the crap thrown at them in such a calm way.

If your in range, so is the enemy.

Offline janneh

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 1999, 02:51:00 AM »
Hristo wrote:
"Generally, late model 109s greatest disadvantage is compression and weak guns (in basic configuration)"
Compression is a fact. Only combat experience I have is from WB, ie WB's way of modelling planes. From there I 've got this idea of "too heavy for airframe".
I mean if You fly 109F-4 and then 109G6 or K4, it's obviously how different they are on combat. F will maneuver really good compared to G & K.
But what is difference with F & G. G has more armor & more powerful engine (?) and 13mm MG's (G6 that is). Could it be that center of gravity has changed too much ? I believe the basic air frame is same on F & G ?
Someone enlight me, plz !

ik wrote:
"I remember not long ago there was a lot of complaining going on by people about the 109G-10 of AH, that it accelertated and climbed so well, their P-51's just couldn't keep up!"
You should visit here more often and throw Your famous hooks, they worked on AGW and they work here as well, I see  

Yeah, this is only beta and really good one.
Also we have here one heck of a community already.

I agree with Sorrow, HTC is and should be calm on these matters. It's essential to listen players, but at the same time, put things to order of importance. I think HTC is doing that great, although I haven't seen my 109F-4 yet... =)

Offline Fishu

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 1999, 04:00:00 AM »
Ik: hehe, lets ask some german pilot group do WW II flight simulator, see what we get then, lousy P51s and uber 109s?  

Offline Hristo

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 1999, 08:41:00 AM »
Agreed, Leonid. I don't think game designers favor any particular aircraft when modeling FMs.

However, I believe some planes enjoy some  unrealistic advantages, while other suffer from certain disadvantages. Therefore I hope FMs will get checked and rechecked again.

Also, I think A-8 was not a good choice to fight P-51D, as Dora would be. However, the longer you let 190 plots fly A-8, the more dangerous they will be in the Doras  

Offline fats

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 1999, 02:03:00 PM »

I personally like the A-8 better than D-9 against P-51 or any other a/c for that matter. I would prefer an even older A, like A-4. And don't think I want to make Fw 190 a lesser plane than it is, cause I am rather fanatic about it. IMO we're not getting the short end of the stick here, but then again it's premature to say much with out seeing D-9 in AH.

My preference is based on WB with zero real stick time in any of the planes, and like we've seen ( AH G-10 vs. WB K-4 ) you really can't trust one sim's modeling to carry over to another: good or bad traits.


Offline Hristo

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 1999, 02:47:00 PM »
CC, fats, A-8 can hold its own even now.

However, Dora was made to fight Mustangs, and it did it. And a real beauty it was.

Also, Dora is a matter of personal taste (dweebishess)

Offline Minotaur

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Fighters' K/D in Beta 2
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 1999, 08:42:00 PM »
Didn't the 190D have less range than the A Models?
