Author Topic: eskimo visits the MA.  (Read 411 times)

Offline eskimo2

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eskimo visits the MA.
« on: October 05, 2003, 09:30:44 AM »
Having not flown at all in over a week, I visited the MA last night.  The last time I had visited the MA was on the “Evil Con Night” that didn’t happen.  Before that it had been many months, maybe even a year.

Anyway, I wanted to check out Fester’s new map.  It’s a great map.  The bases are close, promoting lots of quick action.  However, the MA is still the MA (not hat there’s anything wrong with that).  I spent the first hour or so in Chogs and Tigers gang-banging and field porking (I guess I was in Rome).  I spent most of the second hour or so getting gang-banged at porked fields.  

As action packed as the night was, I felt “done” by midnight.  My palms weren’t sweaty, my heart rate wasn’t up, I actually recognized that it was a reasonable time to go to bed, and I didn’t have to tear myself away from the game to do so.  

I don’t know what it is about the MA.  Perhaps hosing P-51s, Spits and P-47s with a Chog… just seems odd.  I guess I need that slight bit of historical match-up context to become mentally immersed.  

Or perhaps it was such a lack of good true fights…  I always try to give my enemies as little advantage as possible, and try to kill them as quickly as I can, but I still enjoy a good fight.  Nothing about last night sticks in my head, just a lot of vulches, and a few 120-mph, Hail-Mary, 500-yard deflection shots…  Not a lot of “Flying” though.  

My point (if I have one),
I guess I’m still not the MA type (not hat there’s anything wrong with that).


Offline brady

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eskimo visits the MA.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2003, 11:43:21 AM »
Prety much sumed up my reasions for walking away from the MA in a nut shell their eskimo.

Offline Shane

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eskimo visits the MA.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2003, 01:01:55 PM »
Mikey likes it!!!
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Offline ergRTC

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eskimo visits the MA.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2003, 11:33:45 AM »
You didnt hear about the evil con mission?  It was so evil, it was not obvious to the ma people.  Hitech had one or two guys at the con in god mode.  Everybody would vote on who they wanted to torment, the guys in god mode would find them, then everybody involved would up and gang them.  After 7 kills of the guy they would move on to the next.  I know the first two choices were Lazs and Shane, but niether were on at the time.  I think they went to fester for their first outting.

Offline Tuck

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eskimo visits the MA.
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2003, 03:05:40 PM »
dudester... i know what ya mean.  i haven't flown in ma (not exagerating here) in a solid year...for all the reasons you mentioned.

it's a freaking shame more don't pick up on the ct.  even when the ct has a pac setup (which anyone who knows me knows i hate pac setups), it's still better than the ma.  hehe.  :D

Offline Shane

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eskimo visits the MA.
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2003, 03:11:46 PM »
Originally posted by ergRTC
You didnt hear about the evil con mission?   I know the first two choices were Lazs and Shane, but niether were on at the time.  

bah, like this is any different than my normal MA outings? all it would have taken would be for me to get 1 or 2 or 3 in that hunting-horde to make it all worthwhile when i typed out "lol, you contards suck, publicly!"

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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