Author Topic: Milk Runs  (Read 551 times)

Offline scJazz

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« on: September 24, 2003, 06:18:58 AM »
And the Axis did it again this morning too!

Offline Sakai

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Re: Milk Runs
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2003, 06:52:19 AM »
Originally posted by scJazz
And the Axis did it again this morning too!

Were they flying Pink Spitfires????

"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline Jester

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« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2003, 11:26:02 AM »

Try flying more & less whineing about every damn thing out there - you will feel much better.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2003, 01:26:46 PM by Jester »


Offline Arlo

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« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2003, 12:29:54 PM »
Originally posted by Jester

Try flying more & less (whining) about every damn thing out there - you will (feel) much better.

You gonna say that to the next player who complains about their HQ gettin' porked in the CT, right? :D

Offline Jester

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« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2003, 01:28:05 PM »
Nope, just the next time a F4U isn't present in any PTO set-up.  :D

Once more I will expain for those individuals that just can't comprehend the dynamics of taking bases.

1. That is the object of WAR is to TAKE TERRITORY and kill the enemy and IMO that is what we are trying to project in a simplified manner here in the CT.

2. There is NO SUCH THING as "Milking." That is the object of all this is to drive the enemy back by downing his a/c in the air, bombing his facilities till they no longer function, then moving in troops to capture the turff. If the other side doesn't rise to the challenge when the enemy tries to take a base - then that is just hard cheese. It happens, get over it, quit whineing and TAKE THEM BACK!

3. If the taking of too many bases by one side or the other makes things so lopsided that it is affecting playability THEN all the CT CM's have to do is reset a few fields or the whole set-up. THERE IS NOTHING HERE WORTH B**CHING OVER! :rolleyes:

4. If your looking for "Fair" the CT is the wrong place for you IMO. It is WAR that we wish to project in the CT as historically as we can with the tools provided. It projects the actual planes that faced each other in WW2 (as far as the plane sets allow) as well as combineing LAND and SEA elements.  By learning the strengths and weaknesses of yours and the enemy's a/c and useing tactics you give yourself a better chance or "edge" in combat. If you are looking for "Fair" you would have better luck in the DA. If all you want to do is "Furball" then the MA is probably the best place for you.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2003, 01:54:55 PM by Jester »


Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2003, 03:01:14 PM »
Originally posted by Jester
4. If your looking for "Fair" the CT is the wrong place for you IMO. It is WAR that we wish to project in the CT as historically as we can with the tools provided. It projects the actual planes that faced each other in WW2 (as far as the plane sets allow) as well as combineing LAND and SEA elements.  By learning the strengths and weaknesses of yours and the enemy's a/c and useing tactics you give yourself a better chance or "edge" in combat. If you are looking for "Fair" you would have better luck in the DA. If all you want to do is "Furball" then the MA is probably the best place for you.

Jester....Jester....dude....t ake your meds or something.  One of the finest things about the CT has been that we generally do NOT "project a war" here.  That's what I understand goes on in the MA, with all its ganging, porking and vulching (all of which make great sense in a real war, none of which make for much fun in a game).  "Fair" is fun.  "Real war" is not, either here or in the real world.

And, hey, I think that the CT is the right place for me, not the wrong one.

- oldman

Offline Jester

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« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2003, 03:51:16 PM »
Better get your glasses fixed Oldman - that is EXACTLY what we do here in the CT. We even go so far as to have painfully acurate & historical maps and only Axis vs. Allied a/c match-ups instead of the "Battle of the Chessboard" as in the MA.

Don't mistake "Fair" play with "Dweeby" behavior. "Ganging, Porking & Vulching" - That comes strictly from the PLAYERS not the arena.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2003, 03:53:38 PM by Jester »


Offline brady

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« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2003, 04:57:22 PM »
Well Said Jester!:)

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2003, 06:10:10 PM »
Originally posted by Jester
Nope, just the next time a F4U isn't present in any PTO set-up.  :D

Oh hell, we know that. That's what bias is all about. You've been assimilated quite well. :D

"The guys that like the Corsairs, Hellcats & later war Japanese a/c should get to fly their a/c just like everyone else. It's only fair." -Jester

Once more I will expain to a CT staffer something he really ought to know already.

Originally posted by Jester

1. That is the object of WAR is to TAKE TERRITORY and kill the enemy and IMO that is what we are trying to project in a simplified manner here in the CT.

1a: In real life you couldn't wait until 4am central time for the arena to get empty so you could play risk and possibly even reset it which generally results in porking everything all to hell.
Granted, you can't keep players from doing it .... but defending such just because one of the players who enjoys doing this kinda crap is in your squad isn't something a CT staffer should admit openly imo. But if you think it's fine, then at least make sure you're there to reset and fix everything before noon. It's the least you can do and a fair sight better than you taking great pains defending such bored brattishness. Maybe you can also hint to them that the MA still has some players in it usually during the slow hours and that milking there is even "lotsa mo funner."
Originally posted by Jester

2. There is NO SUCH THING as "Milking." That is the object of all this is to drive the enemy back by downing his a/c in the air, bombing his facilities till they no longer function, then moving in troops to capture the turff. If the other side doesn't rise to the challenge when the enemy tries to take a base - then that is just hard cheese. It happens, get over it, quit whineing and TAKE THEM BACK!

2a: Apparently you don't even understand what the term "milkrun" means. The term is used in real life war situations as well. It means undertaking a mission that presented no difficulty or challenge whatsoever. While that is certainly a preferable situation in real life, in the arena it's just slightly different. First of all, DEAD HOUR milkrun base captures is crap. It's one thing if there are actually opponents logged on that can see that a base is being assaulted and can choose to react or ignore what's going on. It's quite another when one or two kids log on, see the arena is empty and decide that this is the perfect opportunity to "win the war."

 Most mature players will either decide to go to a more populated arena or log until there is opposition ... but not the dedicated dead hour pork and capture dweeb.
Originally posted by Jester

3. If the taking of too many bases by one side or the other makes things so lopsided that it is affecting playability THEN all the CT CM's have to do is reset a few fields or the whole set-up. THERE IS NOTHING HERE WORTH B**CHING OVER! :rolleyes:

3a: Yeah ... staffers can "fix" things later ... that is if he can even figure out what everything was like before the kid(s) decided to play RISK with the arena. But is there a staffer there 24/7 to fix this crap? Well hell .... if there isn't one there to discourage such immature behavior ... why should there be one there later when other players log on, see how fugged up everything is ... and log off in disgust? Do you "babysit" your setups? Does Brady?
Originally posted by Jester

4. If your looking for "Fair" the CT is the wrong place for you IMO. It is WAR that we wish to project in the CT as historically as we can with the tools provided. It projects the actual planes that faced each other in WW2 (as far as the plane sets allow) as well as combineing LAND and SEA elements.  By learning the strengths and weaknesses of yours and the enemy's a/c and useing tactics you give yourself a better chance or "edge" in combat. If you are looking for "Fair" you would have better luck in the DA. If all you want to do is "Furball" then the MA is probably the best place for you.

4a: I do agree that something needs to be done though to prevent "Landgrabbing." -Jester 6-17-2003

You silly git. :D
« Last Edit: September 24, 2003, 06:14:26 PM by Arlo »

Offline Jester

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« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2003, 06:47:54 PM »
Well I guess this means I have "ARRIVED" since I am now being quoted - then reconsidering the source - I guess not.  :(

Arlo - you must be a real insecure individual or a geniune 4 Star Looser to spend all the time and effort to go back and dredge up all this stuff just to try and back up your rant. :rolleyes:

I am all for making the CT a better place for all - I have said it many times and that is why I took the job of CM here in the CT.
If you want to seriously work with me on it I will be more than happy to do everthing in my power to do so. You got a real idea that might work - lets hear it.

However, if you just wish to be a Smart prettythang and Whine about everything or rag everyone in signt that doesn't happen to agree with you - the wailing wall is over that way.

Assimilate THAT.  ;)


Offline Shane

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« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2003, 06:59:06 PM »
Originally posted by Jester
You got a real idea that might work - lets hear it.

last ct staffer to leave before midnight, CST or PST sets capture to 40 troops, then next day around noon CST, PST, staffer resets it to whatever.

how's that?

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
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Offline Jester

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« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2003, 07:15:18 PM »
Be a good idea except for one thing - people other than those from the US play this game along many different time zones.

Would not be fair to those from other parts of the world that fly in the CT.

Still, it is something to consider.


Offline Arlo

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« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2003, 07:47:51 PM »
Originally posted by Jester
Well I guess this means I have "ARRIVED" since I am now being quoted - then reconsidering the source - I guess not.  :(

LOL ... yeah .... considering the source and all. :D

Originally posted by Jester

Arlo - you must be a real insecure individual or a geniune 4 star (loser) to spend all the time and effort to go back and dredge up all this stuff just to try and back up your rant. :rolleyes:

Neh ... I just think it's funny as hell that you feel the need to defend it and make excuses for it. What with all the "well this is war and war is war and suck it up, bucko and fight the good fight" thang. Why didn't you adopt that when the whines reached high decibels over HQs getting milked? You didn't go into the "war is war" speech then. Is there a specific reason?

You just seem to have some conflicting issues over all this "all's fair in virtual love and war" stuff. It seems to be a tad bit inconsistant. That makes it harder for us "just plain CT players" to try to figure out where the "empowered volunteers" stand and who or how to pitch things. Then again, guess I'm not all that good at kissing staffer arse to get what I want. I need to work on that. I really do. :D

Originally posted by Jester

I am all for making the CT a better place for all - I have said it many times and that is why I took the job of CM here in the CT.
If you want to seriously work with me on it I will be more than happy to do everthing in my power to do so. You got a real idea that might work - lets hear it.

Great! And I wish I really DID have an answer to the dead-hour territory grabbing. After all, it's not practical for you and the rest of the CT staff to have someone babysit the arena 24/7. I suppose this is one of those "personal honor" or "squad honor" thangs. And what can ya do about that? The individual obviously has no problem with it ..... nor does their squad, it seems (for the ones actually affiliated with one). I was just amazed that you are so opinionated in your defense of dead-hour milking yet seem to be of quite an opposite opinion when dealing with HQ porking. Seems pretty much the same argument you make for one works for the other. *ShruG* Me and my expressing my own damned opinion as well. LOL :D

Originally posted by Jester

However, if you just wish to be a Smart prettythang and Whine about everything or rag everyone in signt that doesn't happen to agree with you - the wailing wall is over that way.  

Yeah, I do tend to express my opinion alot. It's what many do here. If it bothers you then I guess it's supposed to bother me. After all, we all just wanna get along, right? Hell, guess I need to work on my tact. I'll look for a good example to follow here. :D

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2003, 07:54:55 PM »
Originally posted by Jester
Be a good idea except for one thing - people other than those from the US play this game along many different time zones.

Would not be fair to those from other parts of the world that fly in the CT.

Still, it is something to consider.

Are there CT staff who reside outside the US time zones? Maybe there can be some "babysitting" to a limited degree afterall? And use this setting between staffers covering the dead hours. *ShruG*