Or could it be our world is just asking for too much for what electrical infrastructure is in place. My electrical useage now is a heck of a lot more than what I remember a few years ago......example: home office is on all the time(two computers, TV, two phone machines, fax, printer, scanner, lights, dehumidifier), security lights for rear perimeter of yard, and front of house lights are on all night plus motion detectors on corners for spot lights, a/c in house is on from the end of winter to the beginning of winter due to allergies, big garage door opener(only time I ever lift the garage door is when the power is out), and my wife has this uncontrollable habit of having every TV in the house on(4), and almost every ceiling fan and light on, plus her computer is on, because as she puts it, when doing the laundry(electric dryer), or the dishes(dishwasher w/electric heating element), she doesn't miss what she's watching(wouldn't want that!?), electric water heater, sump pump(lately it's working hard), outdoor pond waterfall, and of course POWER tools, and all the chargers. Sheesh, I remember when my electrical bill was $35.00 mo., not $200.00 like it is now. Now multiply this by all the other people on this grid....Ya think?