Author Topic: Please, give me the shakes!  (Read 165 times)


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Please, give me the shakes!
« on: September 23, 1999, 08:23:00 AM »
After flying countless Flight sims over the years, I was caught totally by surprise by the way the cockpit "shakes" in EAW. It gave me the sensation of flying like nothing else has before, or since.

Are there any plans to include this type of "force feedback" in AH?

And if there currently is not, please allow me to beg you to add it.

Bax (-baxl-)

Offline Gazoo

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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 1999, 09:00:00 AM »
It would only be eye candy, but have you ever seen the needle on a gauge hold steady?

I would also like to see some of the panel get scrambled after aerobatic manouvers.  Have a look at the AH after doing a loop or a roll, or the compass.  Should take a few moments for these things to settle down.

Another cool feature would be the air pressure varying so that your altimiter is exact anymore by the time you get to target.

"Just Plane Nuts"

Offline popeye

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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 1999, 09:40:00 AM »
If Bax gets the shakes, I hope he gets a tinted canopy too.  


Where is Major Kong?!?


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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 1999, 04:30:00 PM »
  Gazoo, I really don't think that making the gyro's more accurate with regard to upset attitudes would help that much.  In RL, I'm sure they just pulled the "Pull to Cage" knob before they got into contact with the enemy.

  Yes, I've seen real gyros tumble (in fact, was doin it only yesterday).  After a few spins (maybe we did 6), the Attitude Indicator wasn't erect an hour later (and we were pulling 5.4 InHg Vacuum (5.4 in the max you can pull in that 150).  It'd just be a pain in AH.  Since the attitude indicators aren't working now, and AH is still much fun, I wouldn't get hung up on tumbling gyros.

  Just nitpicking...



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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 1999, 07:12:00 PM »
Call me juvenile, call me sophmoric - but I laughed my butt off when I saw "the Attitude Indicator wasn't erect an hour later..."

When I think of spins and such, I don't think of the 150.  Then again, I've never actually flown one.  What kinda stuff can it do?  I've always assumed it was a 2 seat, less power version of a 172.

(27, but I act like I'm 14)


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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 1999, 10:28:00 PM »
  Well, the 150 is, IMHO a far superior aircraft.  But then, I'm flying a 150 about every day, and I've never been checked out in a 152...

  The O-200 is smaller, and produces only 100 HP, but it's lighter.  A well maintained O-200 power 150 (like I fly) can easily match the performance of a 152 (ours outdo the 152's on the field, even the one's with new engines).  

  The real advantages are that it looks better (the 152 is ugly because of that 235, the 150 keeps tapering to the front of the cowling).  For what we do with them (prescision landings) the 150 is FAR superior.  In fact, at a NIFA competition (the National Intercollegiate Flying Association...really the only place to have organized competitions for such things), most everybody still has 150s around.  The big reason is that they are basically the same airframe, but the 150 could have 40 degrees of flaps.  The 152's only have 30.  That last ten degrees makes a BIG difference.  For instance, the other day, I maintained 125 MPH until I was 1/4 mile final, then I chopped the power, and put down 40 flaps...I actually had to add a touch of power to land on the runway.

  The 150 spins just fine I guess.  The only other thing I've done spins in was a military trainer (T-34A).  The 150 spins not too fast, and it really doesn't want to spin (in fact, the other day with full aft elevator, and rudder INTO the spin, it came out of it after about 1 and a quarter turns).  It's really kind of nice in the 150 though, since it's so docile and simple to fly, we can spin for fun, and really not be worried about the airplane...



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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 1999, 02:02:00 PM »
Good gawd, get that man some clothes!

There is a head bob associated with maneuvers tho.


Offline Tjay

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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 1999, 06:26:00 PM »
Speaking of spins, I hope AH will have a decent spin model - like EAW, perhaps. In AW3 the spin model has been changed to stop 'spin kills' but it still isn't 1% realistic, as you often end up in a steep dive with NO rotation but the airspeed at zero - impossible in RL. In EAW you can always tell which way you are spinning and the recovery is progressive, not sudden as in AW. Here's hoping.

Tjay of the Kraits. All my enemies die laughing.

Offline janneh

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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 1999, 07:03:00 PM »
"have you ever seen the needle on a gauge hold steady?

Oh yes, buy a Volvo (commercial)





OK, leaving....

c u ...


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Please, give me the shakes!
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 1999, 01:58:00 PM »

I don't thing that cockpit shake is realistic at all...

While it sure shakes, that cockpit, the pilot does not actually sense it. Well, never flown an airplane, but still..

Test that with a car: mount a video camera inside the car, have a ride and watch the film afterwards. It sure shakes, but did it so when actually doing the ride? No, of course not.

The shaking is irrelevant to us, actually annoying. So the brain just filters it out as a noise.

Another unrealistic feature in newest sims is the lens flare. Works with camcorder again, but not with eye...

No thanks.
