Ai is a big field in computer science right now. But i think it has allways been. Though the ai drones what fester is asking woundnt really be Ai instead it would be more like a scripted events, follow x until x moves, ect...
Ai, is when you let a full formation of 300 buffs up in the air and watch the results and see what they do! other than that, i would call festers idea programable for hitech.
Now on the other hand. if you really wanted a better AI system. I am talking about one that can adapt to different events, and different vechiles without player or programing interface is the hard bugger to solve. For example, having the same AI system, that can fly a bomber, drive a tank, be a foot soilder. Based on its ability to controle and manage a solution and also problem space.
btw, somtimes Ai needs to be stupid at times to reflect whats its Simulating.
Intresting stuff.