...in a location where Travis AFB is between you and the Minicon?
If you do and you don't mind picking up someone who guranteed will fall asleep the instant they sit down in your car...
By the time I know if I'll be able to 'get out of town for the weekend' and go to the Minicon a commercial ticket will cost me a small fortune. I was looking at catching a ride into Travis. If you cannot pick me up it isn't a deal breaking I will rent a car, etc. Just checking on the possibilty.
If this thread applies to you and you don't see it before 1000 HRS EST 12OCT03 contact FunkedUp if you are available. I'll get a chance to call FunkedUp in ~2 days but I won't be able to access the internet until the AH Minicon after 10 AM this morning.
Many thanks in advance,
p.s. If you are available leave a phone # (cellular if possible) with FunkedUp.