Author Topic: API Ammo  (Read 124 times)

Offline Tyro48

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API Ammo
« on: May 17, 2001, 10:53:00 PM »
Did a general search on this but didnt find much in the way of an answer, so here goes,

is API ammo modeled in the allied aircraft?

Watching Thunderbolt and other WWII guncam film , often you see those .50's totally saw off LW wings or hit the fuel with an immediate poof, that would be rad to see here!

Offline Midnight

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API Ammo
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2001, 04:45:00 AM »
A definative answer would be nice, but I think that the API is maybe modeled.

Here are three accounts that seem to be conflicting though.

Thursday, 05/17/01
API is modeled?
Flying 350 TAS and see a B17 coming to A48 at 15k, just about 2k above me. I head for him from his 1:00 low position. I pull up into him at 1k and open fire at 600. 2 second burst of .50s into his lower fuesalage and left wing. I see engine 2 burst into flames. 20 seconds later the B17 explodes and I get the kill. No one else touched him.

The same thing happened a day or two before that. almost identical situation and outcome.

Both times I am fairly certain that the B17s were undamaged prior to me shooting them.

API is not modeled?
Flying low NE A41. Pugg666 and I spot an A6M and we engage. Pugg cuts to the left and the A6M turns to give me a perfect front quarter belly shot. I fire a 1 second burst and blow holes in his right and left wings which instantly start leaking fuel. The A6M flies on. I eventually got the kill, but it was several minutes later. I believe the A6M either ditched with no fuel or was finished off by another pilot.

Anyway, it seems odd that the B17s bursted into flames and exploded while the A6M only devloped fuel leaks. I would think that if we had API, that thing should have looked like a sparkler on the 4th of July.

HT? could you comment?

Wing up, Get kills, Be happy!

Midnight CO
412th FG "Braunco Mustangs"

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